Jobs in Zambia

Did you know that more than 1500 jobs have been advertised on since the start of 2017!

This includes job advertisements from start-ups to established businesses and from local companies to multinationals.

You can find a list of all available job advertisements and find FREE careers advice now at

More Jobs Needed

Despite the number of jobs already advertised we need more jobs in order to help the many people who are looking for a job in Zambia. If your organisation is recruiting or you know of a job opportunity please do share it so that those in need can find employment.

You can post free job advertisements direct to our site at

About Go Zambia Jobs

Since 2012, has provided a place for employers and job seekers to connect. Our aims are simple:

  • To help employers and job seekers to easily connect in Zambia
  • To encourage employers in Zambia to take on new employees creating a virtuous circle that will benefit Zambian society in general
  • To enable those looking for work to access jobs and free careers advice 24 hours a day 7 days a week

Further Information

To find more careers articles visit: Careers Advice

Search for Jobs

To search for the latest jobs in Zambia visit: