Ever wondered what information should NOT be included in your CV or application when applying for jobs in Zambia? Go Zambia Jobs have compiled a list of 5 things not to include in your CV or application.
1. Funny Email Addresses
A funny email address may be a fun thing to use with friends but when applying for jobs is it such a good idea?
We once saw an email address from an applicant for the role of child-minder that was something like [email protected]! Would you trust your child with crazycat?!
Make sure the e-mail address you use is professional. If you are unable to get an e-mail account using only your name try not to enhance it with your age or year of birth (this could give information that you are not required to include in an application).
2. Entire life-story
When submitting a job application you have very little time to impress. The recruiter will quickly look at your application and think, “Why should I interview this person? What benefits will they bring to the organisation? Do they meet the selection criteria?”
When compiling your CV ensure that you include information that shows how you meet the selection criteria and what benefits you will bring to the organisation. Make this information obvious to the recruiter by not burying this information in a long winded life story.
Try to keep your application concise and to the point.
3. False or Misleading Information
Employers and recruiters can often spot information that is false or misleading. With the increasing amount of digital and online information it is easier than ever for employers to check information provided. Furthermore, even if you do manage to go undetected through the application process -this information could still come back to haunt you in later years.
4. Ugly Design and Formatting
First impressions count and before the recruiter has even had chance to read the content they will already have noticed the design and formatting. Always try to make your CV design and formatting suitable for the role to which you are applying. If you are applying for a creative role you may want to design CV than showcases your creative talents. Otherwise, try to design a simple, professional looking CV. Use of multiple fonts, styles, colours and bullet points can be a real turn-off. Consider using fonts such as Arial or Times New Roman at font size 10 or 12. Use italics and colours sparingly and avoid crazy backgrounds.
Remember that you may also need to submit your CV via a web form. Most likely these these web forms will strip out your document’s formatting making it important to ensure that your CV is laid out and formatted to look good stripped bare of its design and formatting.
5. Spelling & Grammatical Errors
Spelling and grammar – the old favourite of those who provide CV advice! Imagine that you are an employer looking to recruit for a position in your company. You receive 100 applications out of which you decide 10 meet the recruitment criteria. There is really nothing between these 10 candidates in terms of skills and experience but you know you only have the time to interview 5. What is a simple way to eliminate 5 candidates – that’s right spelling and grammatical errors. Personally, if we notice a candidate with who meets the criteria but has included a few spelling and grammatical errors we would let this pass (dependent on the role of course) but not all employers are so generous. So why rule yourself out before you have had the chance to rule yourself in? Use a spell checker, re-read your CV before applying and if possible get a friend or colleague to double-check.
Further Information
To find more careers articles visit: Careers Advice
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Am inspired. thanks
perfect description of what is required.
Thank you!