With more competition than ever for jobs we suggest 5 things that you should know that should help you stand out from the crowd.
1. Be aware
Be aware – academic ability is no longer guaranteed to help you stand out from the crowd. Academic ability is still important BUT with 1,000s of suitably qualified job seekers in Zambia it might take more than academic achievements to wow employers.
2. Be passionate
Employers like employees who are passionate about their work. Whether you are stacking shelves or designing skyscrapers you need to be passionate about what you do. Try to bring some of that passion out in your application and also during the interview.
3. Be persistent
As the saying goes – it pays to be persistent. You may not get a job with your first job application but the more persistent you are the more likely you are to get a job in the future. Keep looking for jobs and keep submitting applications. Where possible try to obtain feedback from each application and learn from the feedback provided. This will help you to improve applications in the future. Do not give up and remember that your persistence will pay off at some stage.
4. Demonstrate value
Employers are looking for candidates who can add value to their organisation. This does not necessarily mean that you have to add value in terms of Kwacha – you can add value to an organisation by providing excellent customer service, great administrative support and so on. Think long and hard about how you can add value to an organisation and also how you can demonstrate your value in your application and interview. It is easy to include information from previous work experience, internships, clubs and societies but in order to stand out from the crowd you need to explain clearly demonstrate how your actions added value.
5. Show the right attitude
The right skills and the right attitude are vital in helping you to stand out from the crowd. There will be lots of applicants who can demonstrate that they have the right skills but many applicants will lose out because they fail to show the right attitude. Employers are looking for individuals who are professional, dependable and adaptable so you need to demonstrate these skills. Produce a professional well written CV or application. Turn up on time and suitably dressed for the interview. At the interview demonstrate that you have researched the organisation, understand the role and provide examples on how you can add value to the organisation. Showing the right attitude is crucial if you want to stand out from the crowd.
Further Information
To find more careers articles visit: Careers Advice
Search for Jobs
To search for the latest jobs in Zambia visit: www.gozambiajobs.com
Great stuff. Keep it up!
Thanx A Million.Your Infor Has Been Very Useful .Its Aaron Mwase,lsk.
Thanks for the information