Check out these amazing tips to help you find a job you will love in 2016.
1. Review 2015
Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it so review the types of job you applied for and the applications you submitted in 2015. Should you consider applying for different types of jobs? Could your applications and/or interview performance be improved?
2. Set realistic goals
When looking for a job it is important to set realistic goals. For example, you may want to consider setting a goal of sending 5 applications a week and/or making 5 telephone calls a week and/or attending one networking event a week.
3. Learn to decode job adverts
Understanding what an employer wants from an application is half of the secret of a successful application (the other half is showing them that you have what it is that they want). Learn how to decode job adverts here.
4. Survive rejection
Rejection is part of the job seeking process and happens to everyone at some point. It is vital to remember that you are not alone in rejection – it happens to all of us at some stage in our lives. How you cope with rejection is what matters and how you cope with rejection will define your future far more than how you cope with your successes. Find out how to survive rejection here.
5. Discover how to sell your skills at interview
You have the grades. You have the skills. You have the experience. You do not have the job. Why? The answer could be that you have failed to sell your skills during an interview. Discover how to sell your skills here.
6. Improve your application technique
Your job application is key to showing a potential employer that you have what they need. Learn how to improve your application technique here.
7. Find out how to submit speculative applications
Not all jobs are advertised and it therefore useful to think about submitting some speculative applications. You can find out how to submit speculative applications here.
8. Boost your skills for with FREE online courses
If you are unemployed and looking for work why not boost your skills with a free online course? This will help you to learn new skills and to cover up any employment gaps in your work history. Find out where to study for FREE online here.
The start of the new year gives us all the opportunity to learn from the experiences of previous years to create a better future.
Further Information
You can find more free careers advice and job seeking tips at: Careers Advice
To search for the latest jobs in Zambia visit: