Request for Proposal Tender No.PR 1553 19/ZRCS/FSP/07/24 Cash transfer services – Zambia

  • RFP / Tender
  • Zambia
  • N/A N/A / Month
  • Applications have closed

Website Zambia Red Cross Society

Zambia Red Cross society (ZRCS) invites you to submit a proposal for “CASH TRANSFER SERVICES TO BENEFICIARIES” as per instructions specified in this Request for Proposal and the attached Requirements (Annex 2). The ZRCS aims to identify a financial service provider to provide cash transfer services; The options may include the following but not limited to:

1.       Electronic money transfer (Mobile telephone technologies,) linked to a beneficiary list provided by ZRCS with the possibility to withdraw cash from payment points set up by the service provider.

2.       The Financial Service Provider (FSP) platform / system preferably should be able to restrict beneficiaries with other cash grants from other humanitarian actors to benefit from the service provided by ZRCS.

3.       The beneficiary will be identified by their mobile telephone number and the identification card used to register the number.

4.       The ZRCS will favour the solutions where beneficiary registration and use of services by beneficiaries will be possible without causing any security risks to beneficiaries’ while accessing their services.

5.       Set-up of services and convenience of transfers: The transfer process will allow access of ZRCS to connect with the FSP conveniently with limited field / administrative work.

6.       The FSP should preferably have the ability to provide a data collection platform where beneficiaries can provide feedback on the cash grant and service provided.

7.       The FSP should preferably be able to register and provide sim cards at no cost to beneficiaries without sim cards.

1.      Eligibility requirements

It is not permitted that invited tenderers appear in more than one proposal.

The “Supplier Registration Form” (Annex 4) and “Declaration of Undertaking” (Annex 5) must be properly filled in and submitted together with the tender documents.

1.      Content of the Request for Proposal
The Request for Proposal consists of the following documents, this is the link to the annexes as listed here;

1.       Request for Proposal Cash transfer services – Zambia PR 1553 19/ZRCS/FSP/07/24

2.       Annex 1 ZRCS General and Special Terms & Conditions for Cash Based Programme

3.       Annex 2 Scope of Work

4.       Annex 3 Pricing template – to be filled in and submitted with your offer

5.       Annex 4 Supplier Registration Form – to be filled in and submitted with your offer

6.       Annex 5 Declaration of Undertaking – to be filled in and submitted with your offer

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