BEIT Trust Scholarships for 2019



Every year, the Beit Trustees offer scholarships to chosen universities in the UK and South Africa.
Graduates who are Zambian Nationals, under the age of 30 (or 35 in the case of medical doctors), are eligible to apply.

The scholarships are for Masters’ Degrees only, The Trust does not fund undergraduate degrees. The awards in the UK are for one-year taught MSc/MA degrees and the chosen universities:

  • Cambridge University, for Beit-Cambridge Scholarships
  • Edinburgh University, for Beit-Edinburgh Scholarships
  • Glasgow University, for Beit-Glasgow Scholarships (bio-medical disciplmes only)
  • Leeds University, for Beit-Leeds Scholarships
  • Oxford University, for College Scholarships
  • Strathclyde University, for Beit-Strathclyde Scholarships (engineering disciplines on ly)

Awards for Masters’ Degrees are also offered in South Africa. These are for two-year MSc/MA courses at:

  • The University of Cape Town, for Beit – UCT Scholarships
  • Rhodes University, for Beit-Rhodes Scholarships
  • Stellenbosch University, for Beit-Stellenbosch Scholarships

Medical scholarships for more than 2 yeats’ study at South African universities may be awarded to candidates of outstanding quality.

If you wish to apply, please go to the ‘Scholarships’ page on The Beit Trust website ( for further details, including deadlines and an application form.

Please note that all documents, including independent references, must be received by The Beit Trust by 31 May

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