Black Friday & Cyber Monday – Zambia 2022

What is Black Friday and when does it start?

Black Friday is the day after the US public holiday of Thanksgiving. It marks the start of the Christmas shopping season. Black Friday has spread worldwide with companies using Black Friday to entice customers with discounts and special offers.

This year Black Friday 2022 is on the 25th November 2022.

What is Cyber Monday and when does it start?

The first Monday after Black Friday is known as Cyber Monday. This the day when many ecommerce companies offer their discounts and special offers.

This year Cyber Monday is on the 28th November 2022.

Which companies are taking part in Black Friday and Cyber Monday in Zambia in 2022?

1. Black Friday 2022 & other seasonal offers 

2. Cyber Monday 2022

3. Small Business Saturday 2022

In between, Black Friday and Cyber Monday is Small Business Saturday. First launched in 2010, this event occurs between Black Friday and Cyber Monday and encourages people to shop at bricks and mortar retailers rather than online.

Note: Many companies actually start their discounts and special offer period in the days and weeks before the official start date. We will update this page as offers are added. If your organisation has an offer you would like listing on this page please email [email protected].

Further Information

To find more offers, scholarship news and careers advice in Zambia: Careers Advice

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