Call for Scholarships to Masters and Doctoral Studies


1. Introduction

The Copperbelt University Africa Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Mining (CBU-ACESM) is supported by the World Bank through the Government of the Republic of Zambia. The CBU-ACESM provides leadership in post-graduate education and training for sustainable mining. It promotes multidisciplinary research at Masters and Doctoral levels addressing problems linked to the five thematic areas:

  1. Occupational health, vulnerabilities and risks to communities in mining environments;
  2. Restoration of mined and derelict environments, and waste management;
  3. Energy use, process and mining design;
  4. Monitoring biodiversity and ecosystem impacts; and
  5. Livelihoods, entrepreneurship and corporate social responsibility.
  6. The CBU-ACESM is pleased to announce its call for scholarships for specific Masters (MSc. and MPhil.) and Doctoral (PhD) programmes at the Copperbelt University.

2. Programmes on Offer

The scholarships are available for full time learning only for the following programmes:

(i) Master of Science (MSc.) with specialisation in the following fields (choose one): Chemical Engineering; Environmental Engineering, Monitoring and Management; Project Management; Biotechnology; Physics; Chemistry; Biology; Natural Resources Management; or Tropical Ecology and Biodiversity Management.

(ii) Master of Philosophy (MPhil.) with specialisation in the following fields (choose one): Mining; Metallurgy; Chemical Engineering; Biotechnology; Environmental Engineering, Monitoring and Management; Project Management; Physics; Chemistry; Biology; Natural Resources Management; or Tropical Ecology and Biodiversity Management.

(iii) Master Business Administration (general).

(iv) Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in the following fields (choose one): Natural Resources Management; Tropical Ecology and Biodiversity Management; Project Management in Sustainable Mining; Mining; Metallurgy; Chemical Engineering; Biotechnology; or Environmental Engineering, Monitoring and Management, Physics; Chemistry or Biology.

NB: Full time students admitted or already pursuing the above listed programmes are welcome to apply.

To find out more click here.

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