Engineering Institution of Zambia (EIZ) Scholarships

The Engineering Institution of Zambia (EIZ) is a Statutory body that regulates the practice of engineering in Zambia as mandated by an Act of Parliament No. 17 of 2010.

In an effort to prormting engineering in Zambia and giving back to its membership, EIZ is inviting eligible students and members to apply for the EIZ Scholarship. The EIZ Scholarship is awarded to outstanding students who wish to pursue a career in Engineering or existing members who wish to upgrade their qualifications. This is a competitive Scholarship and all courses should be tenable in Zambia.

The EIZ is offering eleven (11 ) as outlined below,

a) Three (3) Undergraduate Scholarships tenable at University of Zambia (UNZA), Copperbelt University or Mulungushi University;

b) Two (2) Technologists Scholarships tenable at participating accredited colleges within Zambia;

c) Two (2) Technicians Scholarships tenable at participating accredited colleges within Zambia;

d) Two (2) Craftspersons Scholarships tenable at participating accredited colleges within Zambia;

e) Two (2) leavers Scholarships tenable at participating accredited colleges within Zambia;

Scholarships shall be awarded to accepted applicants at participating training Institutions. They will constitute a full scholarship award. A full Scholarship award shall cover tuition fees, living expenses, book allowances and project fees. Beneficiaries shall come from a pool of candidates accepted at accredited universities or colleges on merit basis. The final award be the sole perogative of EIZ. Amounts to be awarded shall be according to current tuition fees of the respective participating Institutions.


Applicants must:

1. Have a conformation of acceptance at an accredited participating

2. Have a character reference letter from the Secondary school or Institution (School or Employer) they are coming from


1. Grade 12 certificates with a mininum of five (5) credits, which include English, Mathematics, and either one or two subjects from physical science Science. chemistry and physics.

2. Extra-curricular involvement. e.g. JETS, Math Club (Optional)

3. Applicants accepted in an engineering program.

4. Motivation/covering letter

5. Certified high school or college transcripts.


1. Grade 12 school certificates with a minimum of five (5) credits which must English, Mathematics and any science.

2. Applicants accepted in an engineering related program.

3. Certified high school or college transcripts.

4. Motivation/Covering letter

5. Extra-curricular involvement. E.g. JETS, Math Club. (Optimal)


All submission clearly named “EIZ SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION” should be addressed to the Registrar using the Headquarters address below and emailed to [email protected] not later than 18th of June, 2021 at 17:00 hrs.

Further information can be obtained frorn EIZ Offices on numbers.

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