Are you an entrepreneur with big plans?
EY helps entrepreneurs think big, grow rapidly and thrive in a challenging environment.
The EY Business Accelerator Programme targets ambitious entrepreneurs who have built successful companies, but not yet found the essential tools needed to expand sustainably be it locally, regionally or globally. This executive leadership programme, that has been running in Zimbabwe since 2017 and will now be launching in Zambia for the first time, identifies a select group of high-potential entrepreneurs whose businesses show real potential to scale – and then helps them do it.
Programme Benefits
- Expand your knowledge with the latest information, research and executive dialogues about business strategies and practices from EY and industry experts.
- Strengthen your executive leadership and business skills and identify opportunities to grow through meetings with senior advisors and seasoned entrepreneurs.
- Identify potential partners, strategic alliances, customers and suppliers.
- Access to EY tools, resources and thought leadership.
- Access to EY’s regional and global entrepreneurship network.
Eligibility for the Class of 2020
- Have a substantial ownership cf the business – at least 50% and/or must be the chief decision maker in the organisation.
- Businesses must be at least three years old and have reported at least annual revenues of K 800,000 during the last financial year.
- Fill out the online application form in full.
- Be able to attend the all the workshops and events.
How to Apply
This programme is open to all entrepreneurs running businesses in Zambia who meet the criteria.
If you are a high-potential entrepreneur and wish to apply for the EY Business Accelerator Programme, please email: [email protected]. In response, a link to the online application form will be sent to you. Female entrepreneurs are strongly encouraged to apply.
Please note that the 2020 programme will only admit 20 entrepreneurs! Applications will be considered on a first come first served basis until Friday 21 February 2020.