Problems at work? Unable to find employment? Not sure what career is best for you?
Our agony aunt – and our community – are here to help you.
How it works
We invite you to submit your career questions and problems to our agony aunt. Each week our agony aunt will select one problem. Our agony aunt will then offer her expert advice and we will then ask you – our community – to provide your advice and insights.
Our aim is that a problem shared with our community will be a problem solved.
Why not share your views?
What are your views on this dilemma? Should he leave and take his dream job? You can share your comments below.
Want to submit a problem to Aunty?
You can send your career questions and problems to [email protected]. Each problem will appear anonymously ensuring that your name and contact details will be kept private at all times.
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Check out our first problem at Can you help?