6 tips for exam success

Do you know anyone you is preparing for exams? If so, check out this exclusive article from Go Zambia Jobs.

1. Be an exam athlete

Successful athletes prepare for months and years in order to perform when it matters. Their success is an accumulation of many hours of hard-work and training. Successful athletes do not wait until the night before the race or game then frantically begin training. Try to think of yourself as an exam athlete and exercise your mind through hard-work and training in advance of your exams.

2. Revise smart

There is little point spending hours revising a particular subject or topic if there is zero chance it will appear during the exam. Make sure you understand exactly what you need to revise. Find out what you need to revise and try to focus your efforts on these areas so that you score the best grade. You should be able to find out what you need to revise from your course materials, lecturer and/or tutor.

3. Prepare a revision timetable

Prepare a revision timetable so that you know what you need to revise and when. Simply divide each revision days into a number of time slots. You can then allocate your subjects to these time slots. Try to think about what subject subjects will work best in each time slot. For example, some people prepare to study particular subjects in the morning and others in the evening. Make notes as you go and keep track of areas that you are comfortable with and areas that might need a bit more work. Remember that you can even find revision apps on the Play Store and on itunes that will help you to track your studies and revision.

4. Use multiple revision techniques

People learn in many different ways. Some people are able to learn by reading text books on their own whilst other people learn best by discussing topics with friends and classmates. Try different revision techniques and find out what works best for you.

5. Practice

Sample tests are great way to find out what areas you are comfortable with and what areas require improvement. If possible look at some past exam papers or ask your lecturer to set some sample questions. You do not need to spend hours writing a full sample test but it may help to plan out a sample answer.

6. Stay healthy

Regular study breaks are important and can actually help you to improve your exam success. Even the world’s best athletes do not train 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Try to find a healthy balance between rest and revision. Do not revise too much and do not rest (or play on Facebook!) too much. You should also try eat healthily and avoid stimulants such as caffeine and sugar that could affect your sleep and concentration. Some exercise could also be beneficial as this can boost your energy levels and reduce your stress levels.

You can find more exam tips in the following articles:

Further Careers Advice

To find more careers articles visit: Careers Advice

Search for Jobs

To search for the latest jobs in Zambia visit: www.gozambiajobs.com

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5 thoughts on “6 tips for exam success”

  1. Spot on! These are really helpful insights. I like the first point,i.e, being an exam athlete. Practice, practice, practice is key.

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