In this article we aim to help you to identify your transferable skills in order to find a job in Zambia. We explain what transferable skills are how they could be the key to finding a job. We also provide a list of transferable skills that you may have developed at school, university or in the work place that you can use in your applications. This article is especially useful for school leavers, graduates and those interested in find a new job.
What are transferable skills?
Transferable skills are skills developed in one situation that can be transferred to another situation.
For example during the course of their degree an economics graduate will have developed an in-depth knowledge of economics. However, an in-depth knowledge of economic is NOT all that they will have developed. It is extremely likely that during their course they will have developed transferable skills such as research skills, presentation skills and report writing skills.
Examples of transferable skills
Transferable skills are not just developed through education they can also be developed through experience. This could include experience gained through vacation work, voluntary work or work in a family business. Transferable skills can also be developed through the clubs, societies or sports teams that you take part in.
Here are some examples of transferable skills:
- Communication
- Report writing
- Customer service
- Negotiating
- Problem solving
- Budgeting
- Operating office equipment
- Team working
- Leadership
- Analysis
- Empathy
Communication skills are particularly important for employers. A surprising amount of people fail to gain employment due to poor communication skills. This includes poor written and verbal communication skills – including basic business etiquette.
Why are transferable skills important?
Transferable skills are often highly valued by employers as they help to demonstrate how you meet the requirements of the role and the culture of the organisation. Employers require people who can function effectively in the workplace. By remembering not to overlook your transferable skills can help to show that you are right for the role – even if you lack experience or academic qualifications.
How do I demonstrate transferable skills in my application?
Check the job description for information on what skills are required for the role and ensure that you provide examples that demonstrate these skills. For example, if the job description states that “excellent communication skills” are required, simply stating that you have “excellent communication skills” is vague unless you can evidence this claim. Instead expand on WHY you think that you have excellent communication skills. For example, “excellent communication skills demonstrated when I successfully wrote and presented a speech aimed at inspiring young people at my school.”
Further Information
To find more careers articles visit: Careers Advice
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