Help! Why is this job being re-advertised?

Dear Aunty,

I write to seek your advice on my dilemma.

Last year two jobs at different times were advertised in an organization I have always fantasized working for. I felt I had all they were looking for in the prospective job holders. I applied for both when applications were called for. I was called for an interview for one of them. I must admit I didn’t like the way I performed during the interview. It’s been four months now and I have not been communicated to, no regret letter has been sent yet. I also have the information that no one has been employed in that position.

What is more confusing and disappointing is that the other job was recently re-advertised without calling anyone for interviews with the same specifics that they were looking for before and the ones that I possess.

Sometimes I entertain thoughts of finding out what really is happening from one of the directors in the same organization but my heart tells me that wouldn’t be good.

What should I do, do I just move on?

Please help.

Aunty says,

Congratulations on being successful in obtaining an interview for one of these roles! Competition for jobs in Zambia can be fierce so obtaining an interview is a real achievement. If you have the skills to obtain one interview then I am convinced that you will be able to successfully obtain further interviews in the future.

In regards to your dilemma there are a number of explanations as to why an organisation may not have employed any of the applicants who applied. Some explanations include:

  • None of those invited for interview was able to demonstrate the skills required for the role.
  • An applicant was successful but the applicant declined the role.
  • The situation within the organisation changed and a new employee was no longer required.

In addition, there may be many other possible explanations as to why none of the applicants were employed for this role. I would always recommend at the end of an interview asking when the organisation will inform applicants of their final decision and whether they will provide any feedback to applicants. This will give you have a clear idea on the recruitment procedure.

Should you contact the employer?

Yes. Without contacting the employer there is no way for you to know what happened in regards to this role. It also provides you with the opportunity to obtain feedback on your performance at interview. The important thing to remember when contacting the employer is to be polite and professional and to accept their decision if they state that they are unable to provide feedback to individual applicants.

Should you just move?

No. You state that you have always fantasized about working for this organisation and that a role within this organisation has been re-advertised. If this is the case then why are you not submitting an application? You have been handed a second chance so grasp it with both hands. As discussed above there could be many reasons as to why an organisation has not been able to recruit. The decision to re-advertise may not be a reflection on the previous applications it could just be that they want to find out who is currently available. Submit your application and ensure that you clearly demonstrate how you meet the criteria stipulated in the job advert.

I wish you all the best with your application and remember, if at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.

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