RFP Issuance Date: 15 January 2025
RFP Questions Received Closing Date: 20 January 2025
RFP Questions Response Date: 21 January 2025
RFP Closing Date, Time: 22 January 2025 (By 17:00 Lusaka Time)
Please note that the dates listed above have no exceptions, late entries will not be accepted. All questions regarding this RFP should be submitted electronically to [email protected] prior to the deadline of 17:00hrs Lusaka time on January 22, 2025. Telephonic inquiries will not be admissible.
Akros is requesting proposals for the provision of vehicle hire services for field activities for the year 2025 for possible commencement in the week beginning January 20, 2025. We will need approximately 150 weeks of car hire (vehicle with driver) in total.
Akros is seeking to identify and register vendors who will be preferred vehicle hire vendors in 2025 who will provide a service as and when required; subject to the terms and conditions specified below.
Akros will require vehicleswith 4×4 capabilities, suitable for off-road terrain. You are required to include the following information in your proposal:
- Total number of fleet vehicles that meet Akros’ specifications
- Age of fleet
- Validity of Comprehensive Insurance, Road Tax and Roadworthiness Certificate
- Proof of ownership of fleet (only in the name of the bidding company. No individual ownership is acceptable)
- Provide the type of fuel used (Akros will only accept Diesel propelled vehicles)
- The Daily rate should be quoted in Zambian Kwacha (ZMW) and be split between the element that relates to the vehicle and element that relates to the driver. All rates should be inclusive of VAT and/or statutory taxes.
- Rates should be effective from the date of signing of the contract for service
- The pricing should be competitive
- Pricing should include hires for pick up and drop off
- Specify whether the rate is limited or unlimited distance in kilometers per day
- Sober, smart and reliable
- No criminal record
- With at least three years driving experience, preferably long distances
- With a clean valid Zambian Drivers license
- Akros to have the right to request or refuse the use of a driver based on competence or conduct
- The starting location for Akros’ trips will be Akros office in Lusaka (No. 45A Roan Road, Kabulonga, Lusaka).
- Akros’ prefers that invoicing is at the end of each calendar month for any activity in that month, and payment will be due within 30 days of invoicing by electronic transfer.
- If the vendor has more favourable terms than the above, please indicate:
i. How often you will invoice
ii. Terms and conditions of payment from date of invoice
iii. Whether or not you have the capacity to receive transfers electronically
- Certificate of Registration as a company registered in Zambia
- TPIN Certificate and Tax Clearance Certificate
- Evidence of servicing of vehicles at a minimum of every 5,000km is required prior to trips
- Provide detail of intervention action and turn-around time should your vehicle breakdown in the field
- Log sheet for our staff to sign during trip which should indicate name of traveler and district travelled to
- Summary log report required at the end of the trip indicating vehicle kilometres at start and end of trip, details of each fueling (including quantity of litres, location of refueling and odometer reading at time of refueling)
- Vehicle shallbe issued to Akros with a full tank of fuel and to be returned with a full tank, with verification of the traveling officer
- It is Akros policy to ensure that suppliers of services are compliant to certain mandatory policies in upholding human rights. In this context, all car hire services for Akros shall comply and show affirmative evidence to adherence to the following policies for all of the company’s staff and drivers:
i. Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Harassment Policy
ii. Anti-Human Trafficking Compliance Policy
iii. Child and Forced Labour Policy - Copies of the policies shall be availed for endorsement to successful bidders
- All proposals must be electronically submitted to the e-mail [email protected] later than 17:00 hrs CAT on 22nd January 2025. No late submission will be accepted.
- This is an open and competitive bidding process
- Provisions of this RFQ and the successful responses shall constitute the final contractual obligations
- All vendors should provide the name and full contract details (email and phone number) of their primary point of contact with their proposal
All proposals must contain the following to be considered:
- Cover letter responding to the RFQ
- Primary focal contact person details
- Information addressing all of the above requirements
- Timeline: Please provide an estimate of how soon the terms and conditions could be put into practice for service commencement
- Cost proposal: The cost proposal must be provided in table format as follows:
- Vehicle Type
- Propelling fuel type
- Number of Vehicles in Fleet
- Daily Rate for Vehicle (VAT/ tax Inclusive)
- Daily rate for Driver
- Total Daily Rate (inclusive of vehicle and driver, VAT, and tax Inclusive)
Akros will evaluate each proposal against the following principles:
- Cost Proposal (Competitiveness)
- Availability and reliability
- Suitability of vehicles for tough /rough terrain
- Turnaround in the event of a breakdown in the field
- Compliance to the provisions of the RFQ
The shortlisted vendors will be required to present a sample of the vehicles to the Akros team prior to conclusion of bidding process. The decision of the reviewing committee will be final. No further solicitation will be entered into in relation to this RFQ after the close of the selection of successful bidders.