The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH is the implementing agency of the Federal Republic of Germany for technical and international cooperation. It offers flexible, sustainable and effective solutions in political, economic and social change processes. Most of the work of GIZ is commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). GIZ also operates on behalf of other German ministries as well as public and private bodies in Germany and abroad. These include the European Commission, the United Nations, the World Bank and governments of other Countries.
FANSER+ (Food and Nutrition Security Enhanced Resilience plus) is a bilateral project commissioned by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), in Zambia. The project is working towards implementing the Government of the Republic of Zambia (GRZ) National Nutrition Act 3, 2020 and the BMZ core area strategy “Transformation of agricultural and food systems” in the “Food and Nutrition Security” area of intervention.
A Lusaka-based team advises the national level and trains the intermediary structures for implementing multisectoral food and nutrition security interventions. Further, FANSER+ works with two regional project teams and GRZ structures in Eastern and Luapula Provinces to sustainably improve the nutritional situation and resilience of rural households, especially for women and young children, in six target districts.
The project is based on a predecessor project of the special Initiative “ONEWORLD – No Hunger / Transformation of Agricultural and Food Systems” and is embedded in the GIZ Zambia Agri-Food Cluster. Due to the current drought crisis in Zambia, the project will also implement drought mitigation measures in Eastern Province together with other GIZ agricultural and water projects.
In this context, the project is seeking a suitable candidates for the following positions:
Position 1. Economic and Social Empowerment for Women Advisor (band 4) – (based in Mansa)
Main tasks and responsibilities
- Lead the technical work on output 3 (Economic and Social Empowerment for Women) for the FANSER+ regional team in Luapula, namely;
Task 1: Responsible for Project Output 3 “Economic and Social Empowerment for Women”
- Act as specialist and resource person within the project on the topics around Economic and Social Empowerment for Women, especially related to Savings and internal Lending (SILC) Groups and Gender-Transformative Approaches (GTA).
- Work closely with the FANSER+ Team responsible for output 2, nutrition-sensitive agriculture and Farmer Business School, and ensure interlinking of activities.
- Provide technical guidance on Savings and Loan Groups and GTA within the project and the AgriFood Cluster.
- Participate in regular team and AgriFood Cluster meetings and engage actively in Cluster and Service Unit activities.
- Work jointly with the regional FANSER+ team in planning and monitoring. This includes the responsibility for the yearly activity of operational planning for activities in Output 3.
- Represent the project in relevant technical working groups, conferences and meetings with different stakeholders.
- Prepare different content on topics related to output 3 sub-topics and in different formats and for different occasions (meetings, conferences, etc.). This includes elaboration of content for social media posts.
- Prepare and steer consulting assignments related to output 3 and ensure high quality products.
- Responsible for the preparation of Local Subsidy Agreements with Ministry of Community Development and Social Services, overseeing smooth implementation which includes monitoring of activities and administrative processing.
- Review reports and other products related to Economic and Social Empowerment for Women under the project and in Zambia.
Task 2: Advisory services on Economic and Social Empowerment for Women
- Lead the technical work on Output 3 Economic and Social Empowerment for Women for the FANSER+ regional team with governmental and non-governmental partners.
- Provide advisory services on Economic and Social Empowerment for Women to all GRZ and non-governmental partners involved in respective activities in Luapula
- Monitor governmental and non-governmental implementing partners’ activities on Savings and Internal Lending (SILC) Groups and Gender-transformative GTA Activities for nutrition and ensure adequate reporting.
- Advise the provincial and district administration of the Ministry of Community Development and Social Services on topics around Savings and Loan groups (SILC) for agricultural development and resilience and Gender Transformative Approaches (GTA) in collaboration with consultants and non-governmental implementing partners and perform in this role the go-to-point for GRZ partners at provincial and district level.
- Ensure quality implementation in your area of work by conducting regular field visits and reflective meetings with team members, GRZ partners and implementing partners like NGO.
- Coordinate and facilitate capacity building initiatives related to GTA for relevant partners, e.g. Ministry of Health, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Community Development.
- Coordinate partner visits and organizes events with partners.
- Represent the technical FANSER+ team in your area of work to GRZ and other partners in multisector food and nutrition security in the country.
- Facilitating Support to Nutrition Coordinating structures in monitoring, coordination, and advocating for nutrition in line with the National Food and Nutrition Policy and Programme as developed by the National Food and Nutrition Commission (NFNC).
- Responsible for the capacity building of Nutrition Coordinating structures in budgeting processes and managing the acquisition of external funds.
Task 3: Relationship Building and Networking
- Maintaining good relations between the relevant stakeholders such as sector Ministries, District and Provincial Administration.
- Support the involvement of traditional leadership into project activities
- Providing support in the preparation and coordination of missions and studies
- Spearhead the monitoring partner activities in multi-sectoral coordination.
- Coordination of partner visits (incl. donors, representatives of the lines ministries or any other external partners) and monitoring visits to the target districts.
Task 4: Knowledge Management and Monitoring
- Responsible for Knowledge Management and Continuation in economic and social empowerment and GTA
- Facilitation of information, knowledge and experience on socio-economic empowerment of women for multisectoral nutrition implementation in Zambia with partners and internally.
- Support to GRZ and other cooperating partners to incorporate good practices and other results of the German Technical Cooperation related to nutrition into their work.
- Work jointly with the entire FANSER+ team on planning, monitoring and documenting the project activities, outputs and achievements and contribute proactively to the knowledge management of the project.
- Responsible for data/information analysis and interpretation related to Savings and Loan Groups and GTA. Consolidate relevant related developments and information from international and national surveys and reports. Compile findings and recommendations into appealing formats for effective decision making.
- Provide technical input related to the implementation of project surveys.
- Prepare content for reports to GIZ/BMZ and GRZ partners.
- Prepare and present plans, outcomes and results of your area of work in the project to the team, GIZ management and to other stakeholders.
- Develop good practice and lessons learned papers.
- Initiate and contribute to technical exchange, knowledge and information sharing on topics around GTA and Savings and Loan Groups with partners, within the project and beyond, e.g. in the SNRD working group, feed insights proactively back into the project.
- Ensure adequate document management in GIZ document management systems.
Task 5: Project Implementation
- Work self-reliantly with the Service Units for smooth financial and administrative processing of project implementation and support the project management in monthly and annual budget and expenditure planning
- Prepare and present plans, outcomes and results of your area of work in the project to the team, GIZ management and to other stakeholders.
- Procurement for equipment for partners and organization of events with partners.
- Participate in regular team and Agrifood Cluster meetings and engage actively in Cluster and Service Unit activities.
- Any other duties assigned by the line manager
The brief profile is not intended to provide a full and complete description.
Qualifications and Requirements:
- Bachelor’s degree in food and nutrition related studies, social sciences such as organizational development, community development, adult education, development or gender studies or related field.
- Master’s degree in this or related field is an added advantage.
- Applicants are expected to have their academic certificates certified by Zambia Qualifications Authority (ZAQA)
Professional experience
- Minimum of 5 years of experience in economic and social empowerment of women, and community mobilization for nutrition.
- Demonstrate professional experience in economic and social empowerment of women, community mobilisation and managing stakeholder platforms
- Minimum of 5 years involvement in multisectoral food and nutrition security project implementation in Zambia (either within or outside GRZ structures)
- Proven record with previous line manager of self-responsibility in managing and implementing project activities and of being a team player
Other knowledge and additional competences
- Proficiency in basic project implementation routines within the project cycle, e.g. planning, budgeting, reporting, etc.).
- Proficiency in basic administrative and financial project management procedures
- Proficiency in basic project monitoring tools and methodologies
- Proficiency in report writing, documentation and knowledge management principles
- Openness to digital solutions (“Digital by default”) and innovations
- Very high personal motivation to improve the socio-economic and nutrition situation in Zambia
- Very high interpersonal and intercultural communication skills
- Proven track-record of being a team player
- Ability to self-reflect, experience in and openness to professional feedback culture at the workplace.
Position 2. Capacity Development and Nutrition Governance Advisor (band 4) – based in Mansa
Main tasks and responsibilities
- Lead the technical work on output 4 (Capacity development of intermediaries) and output 5 (Multi-sectoral food and nutrition coordination at national and subnational level) for the FANSER+ regional team in Luapula, namely;
Task 1: Responsible for Project Output 4 “Capacity Development of Intermediaries”
- Responsible for the establishment and operationalization of the Nutrition Coordinating Committees (NCCs) to enable the committees to fulfill their roles and responsibilities as outlined in the first 1000 Most Critical Days Programme II and the yet to be launched National Nutrition program and policy.
- Responsible for planning and activity coordination with important non-governmental and consulting company implementing partners.
- Responsible for organizational development to the Provincial, District and Ward Nutrition Coordinating Committees (PNCCS, DNCCs and WNCCs)
- Responsible for the exchange between WNCC, DNCCs and the PNCC as well as the National Food and Nutrition Committee (NFNC) to enable exploring, Learning and documenting of good/best practices.
- Supporting Nutrition Coordinating structures in generating annual multisectoral work plans and quarterly reports
- Facilitating Support to Nutrition Coordinating structures in monitoring, coordination, and advocating for nutrition in line with the National Food and Nutrition Policy and Programme as developed by the National Food and Nutrition Commission (NFNC).
- Responsible for the capacity building of Nutrition Coordinating structures in budgeting processes and managing the acquisition of external funds.
Task 2: Responsible for Project Output 5 “Multi-sectoral food and nutrition coordination at national and subnational level”
- Coordinates the capacity development of the Macro-level stakeholders inclusive of the National food nutrition commission, line ministries and the office of the Vice President.
- Prepare and plan all processes and logistics related to execution of events such as workshops, meetings, road shows, child health week, agricultural shows, Learning events etc.
Task 4: Relationship Building and Networking
- Maintaining good relations between the relevant stakeholders such as sector Ministries, District and Provincial Administration.
- Support the involvement of traditional leadership into project activities
- Providing support in the preparation and coordination of missions and studies
- Spearhead the monitoring partner activities in multi-sectoral coordination.
- Coordination of partner visits (incl. donors, representatives of the lines ministries or any other external partners) and monitoring visits to the target districts.
Task 5: Knowledge Management and Monitoring
- Responsible for Knowledge Management and continuation in nutrition governance
- Facilitation of information, knowledge and experience on nutrition sensitive agriculture and food security topics implementation in Zambia with partners and internally.
- Support to GRZ and other cooperating partners to incorporate good practices and other results of the German Technical Cooperation related to nutrition into their work.
- Work jointly with the entire FANSER+ team on planning, monitoring and documenting the project activities, outputs and achievements and contribute proactively to the knowledge management of the project.
Task 6: Project implementation
- Work self-reliantly with the Service Units for smooth financial and administrative processing of project implementation and support the project management in monthly and annual budget and expenditure planning.
- Prepare and present plans, outcomes and results of your area of work in the project to the team, GIZ management and to other stakeholders.
- Procurement for equipment for partners and organization of events with partners.
- Participate in regular team and Agrifood Cluster meetings and engage actively in Cluster and Service Unit activities.
- Any other duties assigned by the line manager
Qualifications and Requirements:
- Bachelor’s degree in food and nutrition related studies, social sciences such as organizational development, community development, adult education, development studies or related field.
- Master’s degree in this or related field is an added advantage
- Applicants are expected to have their academic certificates certified by Zambia Qualifications Authority (ZAQA)
Professional experience
- Minimum of 5 years of experience in multi-sectoral coordination of nutrition coordination structures.
- Demonstrate professional experience in stakeholder engagement and managing stakeholder platforms
- Minimum of 5 years involvement in multisectoral food and nutrition security project implementation in Zambia (either within or outside GRZ structures)
- Proven record with previous line manager of self-responsibility in managing and implementing project activities and of being a team player
Other knowledge and additional competences
- Proficiency in basic project implementation routines within the project cycle, e.g. planning, budgeting, reporting, etc.).
- Proficiency in basic administrative and financial project management procedures
- Proficiency in basic project monitoring tools and methodologies
- Proficiency in report writing, documentation and knowledge management principles
- Openness to digital solutions (“Digital by default”) and innovations
- Very high personal motivation to improve the nutritional situation in Zambia
- Very high interpersonal and intercultural communication skills
- Proven track-record of being a team player
- Ability to self-reflect, experience in and openness to professional feedback culture at the workplace.
Position 3. Nutrition and WASH Advisor (band 4) – based in Katete
Main tasks and responsibilities
Task 1: Advisory services on nutrition and WASH
- Lead the technical work on Output 1 Nutrition and WASH for the FANSER+ regional team.
- Advise the provincial and district administration of the Ministry of Health on Nutrition and WASH topics and perform in this role the go-to-point for GRZ partners at provincial and district level.
- Ensure quality implementation in your area of work by conducting regular field visits and reflective meetings with team members, GRZ partners and implementing partners like NGO.
- Coordinate and facilitate capacity building initiatives related to nutrition and WASH for relevant partners, e.g. Ministry of Health, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Community Development etc
- Monitor governmental and non-governmental implementing partners’ activities and targets and ensure adequate reporting.
- Coordinate partner visits and organizes events with partners.
- Represent the technical FANSER+ team in your area of work to GRZ and other partners in multisector food and nutrition security in the country.
Task 2: Technical lead for nutrition and WASH
- Act as specialist and resource person within the project on the topics of nutrition and WASH and take the strategic lead on selected upcoming sub-topics under nutrition, health and WASH.
- Provide technical guidance on WASH and nutrition topics within the project and the AgriFood Cluster.
- Participate in regular team and AgriFood Cluster meetings and engage actively in Cluster and Service Unit activities.
- Work jointly with the regional FANSER+ team in planning and monitoring. This includes the responsibility for the yearly activity of operational planning for nutrition and WASH activities.
- Represent the project in relevant technical working groups, conferences and meetings with different stakeholders.
- Prepare different content on nutrition and WASH sub-topics and in different formats and for different occasions (meetings, conferences, etc.). This includes elaboration of content for social media posts.
- Prepare and steer consulting assignments in nutrition and WASH under the project and ensure high quality products.
- Responsible for the preparation of Local Subsidy Agreements with Ministry of Health, overseeing smooth implementation which includes monitoring of activities and administrative processing
- Review reports and other products related to nutrition and WASH under the project and in Zambia.
- Coordinate procurements for equipment for partners.
Task 3: Knowledge and information management and exchange
- Responsible for data/information analysis and interpretation. Consolidate relevant nutrition and WASH related developments and information from international and national surveys and reports. Compile findings and recommendations into appealing formats for effective decision making.
- Provide technical input related to the implementation of project surveys.
- Prepare content for reports to GIZ/BMZ and GRZ partners.
- Prepare and present plans, outcomes and results of your area of work in the project to the team, GIZ management and to other stakeholders.
- Develop good practice and lessons learned papers.
- Initiate and contribute to technical exchange, knowledge and information sharing on nutrition and WASH topics with partners, within the project and beyond, e.g. in the SNRD working group, feeds insights proactively back into the project.
- Asure adequate document management in GIZ document management systems.
Task 4: Administrative tasks
- Work self-reliantly with the Service Unit for smooth financial and administrative processing of project implementation and support the project management in monthly and annual budget and expenditure planning.
- Carry out important tasks for the project, even if these are not explicitly cited in the job description.
Qualifications and Requirements:
- Bachelor’s degree in nutrition, public health or related fields.
- Master’s degree will be added advantage
- Applicants are expected to have their academic certificates certified by Zambia Qualifications Authority (ZAQA)
Professional experience
- Minimum of five years’ experience in the implementation of WASH for nutrition projects either within or outside GRZ structures.
- Proven record with previous line managers of self-responsibility in managing and implementing project activities.
Other knowledge and additional competences
- Proficiency in basic project implementation routines within the project cycle, e.g. planning, budgeting, reporting, etc.
- Proficiency in basic administrative and financial project management procedures.
- Proficiency in basic project monitoring tools and methodologies.
- Proficiency in report writing, documentation and knowledge management principles.
- Openness to digital solutions and innovations.
- Very high personal motivation to improve the nutritional situation in Zambia.
- Very high interpersonal and intercultural communication skills.
- Proven track-record of being a team player.
- Ability to self-reflect, experience in and openness to professional feedback culture at the workplace.
The successful candidates will be expected to start employment with GIZ, on fixed term contracts.
Application deadline: 26.01.2026
Please understand that we can only accept and process applications via our E-recruiting system . Applications should meet the following criteria:
- Cover letter quoting the position references must be uploaded using font type Arial, size 11. In the first paragraph, please outline your motivation for applying for the position. In the second paragraph, outline your experience in the position.
- CVs must be submitted in PDF not exceeding three (3) pages. Do not indicate your marital status, religion, political affiliation or insert your photo.
- Certificates, qualifications, etc. must not be attached to the application.
- Traceable references of previous engagements must be provided.
GIZ is a signatory of the Diversity Charter. Recognition, appreciation and inclusion of diversity in the company are important to us. All employees shall be valued – regardless of gender and gender identity, nationality, ethnic origin, religion or belief, disability, social background or age.
GIZ would like to increase the proportion of employees with disabilities. People with disabilities are strongly encouraged to apply.
- For Economic and Social Empowerment for Women Advisor (band 4) – (based in Mansa) click here to apply
- For Capacity Development and Nutrition Governance Advisor (band 4) – (based in Mansa) Click here to apply
- For Nutrition and WASH Advisor (band 4) – based in Katete Click here to apply