Call for Expression of Interest to Conduct a Needs Assessment Study on Community-Driven Models for Wash Improvement in Ipusukilo, Musonda, Kamakonde and Mugara Informal Settlement in Kitwe District.

  • Consultancy
  • Kitwe, Zambia
  • 0000 / Month
  • February 16, 2025

Website Habitat for Humanity Zambia

Habitat for Humanity Zambia is a Christian, non-profit making or


Habitat for Humanity Zambia (HFHZ) is planning to implement a four-year WASH project in four informal settlements in Kitwe namely: Ipusukilo, Musonda, Kamakonde and Mugara. A proposal for this project will be submitted to the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development of the Federal Republic of Germany (BMZ) in collaboration with Lions Foundation. To ensure a relevant, effective, efficient, coherent, sustainable, and impactful project, the principal will commission a six week Needs Assessment Study between 24th February 2025 and 25th March 2025. These Terms of Reference (TOR) explain the purpose of the study, required qualifications, experience, and references for the consultant, and the deliverables.

Water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) needs are critical for the affected population in four target informal settlements. To accurately prioritize WASH in site selection, a detailed assessment of needs and demand for WASH resources should be conducted. This includes estimating the number of people affected, quantifying immediate needs, assessing the availability of local resources, and identifying the need for external resources. Key areas of interest include the quantity and quality of available water resources, distribution systems, and soil conditions (soil types and infiltration rates).

The study will provide an empirically verified basis for the project, identify material assumptions and prerequisites for success, and outline risks and mitigation strategies based on OECD DAC Evaluation criteria. It will present the project context at community, district, regional, and national levels, including relevant baseline data. Additionally, it will offer specific recommendations for the impact matrix and project activities, optimizing the project concept, improving quality, and maximizing impact and sustainability strategies. This assessment should be carried out by sectoral technical experts within 30 days

The purpose of the study is to ascertain the major issues and needs around WASH provision in the target communities. It will interrogate the knowledge levels, attitude and practices of the target population on water supply, sanitation and hygiene including menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM) in selected schools before the implementation of the project activities. The Needs Assessment findings will be used to support the development of the full proposal, and to identify gaps and areas where specific strategies could be developed and incorporated into the project design
3.1 Specific Objectives (OB)
a) Water Availability and Quality in communities and institutions including school, health facilities and markets:

  • Assess water availability in adequate quantity at the household, school, and health facility levels.
  • Evaluate water quality from user perception and identify potential sanitary risks.

b) Water Collection and Storage:

  • Identify challenges associated with the collection and storage of water

c) Water Resource Management (WRM):

  • Assess water resource management practices such as rainwater harvesting, soak pit constructions on water points, no cultivations near the surface water if any available.
  • Reuse of water resources into ecosystems such as gardening etc especially in schools

d) Hygiene Practices in communities and institutions including school, health facilities and markets:

  • Assess key hygiene practices in terms of water needs and sanitation habits.
  • Evaluate prevalent hygiene practices such as handwashing and disposal of child feces, and the impact of waterborne diseases on hygiene practices.

e) Sanitary Services in communities and institutions including school, health facilities and markets:

  • Evaluate access and affordability to toilets, usage of toilets, access to other sanitary services like waste disposal, and the sanitary conditions of the village.
  • Availability and cost of FSM (Faecal sludge Management) services in the community and institutions

f) WASH Management in communities and institutions including school, health facilities and markets:

  • Assess WASH management practices and identify gaps in the target locations.
  • Assess availability of existence WASH infrastructure management and maintenance structures

g) Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM) for Girls in School:

  • Evaluate the availability and accessibility of menstrual hygiene products and facilities in schools.
  • Assess the level of knowledge and practices related to menstrual hygiene among schoolgirls.
  • Identify cultural and social barriers affecting menstrual hygiene management in schools.
  • Develop strategies to improve MHM education and facilities in schools to ensure a supportive environment for girls.

h) Cultural and Hygiene Practices:

  • Assess hygiene practices and cultural habits among the affected population that might influence their hygiene/sanitation preferences.

i) Vulnerabilities:

  • Identify specific vulnerabilities, such as disabilities and specific diseases, to tailor WASH services accordingly.

j) Local Capacity:

  • Assess local capacity to lead or support the response.
  • Appraise local and national capacities to support the project interventions.
  • Identify possible local Community-Based organisation

k) Gender Dimension in WASH Conditions:

  • Assess the differences in water access, collection, and usage between men and women in households, schools, and health facilities.
  • Evaluate the impact of water scarcity and quality on women and girls, particularly in terms of health, education, and economic activities.
  • Identify gender-specific challenges and needs related to water collection, storage, and sanitation practices.
  • Develop strategies to ensure gender-sensitive approaches in WASH interventions, promoting equitable access and participation for all genders.

l) Community Livelihood Sources and Aspirations:

  • Interrogate the various livelihood sources within the target communities to understand their economic activities and income levels.
  • Assess community aspirations and financial capabilities to determine their ability to pay for WaSH services.
  • Identify potential economic opportunities that could enhance the community’s financial muscle to support sustainable WaSH services.

n) Local Community-Based Organizations (CBOs):

  • Identify existing local community-based organizations that can collaborate with the project.
  • Evaluate the capacity and effectiveness of these CBOs in supporting WaSH initiatives.
  • Develop strategies to strengthen partnerships with CBOs to enhance community engagement and ownership of WaSH projects.

m) Project Evaluation:

  • Assess the expected merit and worth of the project based on OECD DAC Evaluation Criteria.


a) Inception Report:

  • Methodology with proposed data collection instruments.

b) Preliminary Results Presentation:

  • Preliminary report format and PowerPoint presentation, to be delivered after data collection is closed.

c) Preliminary Report Discussion:

  • Discussion of the preliminary report to identify any necessary adjustments.

d) Final Report:

  • Should not exceed 40 pages (excluding annexes).
  • Executive Summary
  • Introduction: Overview of the current situation, background, objectives.
  • Methodology: Who, when, how, and with which methods and tools.
  • Limitations: Description of problems faced during the assessment.
  • Findings: Overall picture of the displaced population, context, and key findings related to water supply, sanitation, and hygiene.
  • Needs and Gaps: Identification of gaps not covered by the current WASH strategy.
  • Conclusions and Recommendations: Recommended activities, including who, what, where, when, and how of short and medium-term activities to improve WASH provision.
  • Annexes

e) Closing Presentation:

  • PowerPoint presentation and study to be shared in advance and discussed in a meeting.

f) Final Versions:

  • Final versions of the report and PowerPoint presentation, including adjustments discussed in the closing presentation.


a) Principal estimates that the consultancy can be delivered in 30 total workdays (including all workdays of all team members)
b) The consultancy is expected to be delivered between 24th February 2025 and 25th March 2025


The consultant is required to design, plan, carry out, and present the project’s baseline survey to assess results at all levels, project effectiveness, and sustainability. The survey will be conducted in four target informal settlements using a replicable sampling approach, involving various stakeholders in the district. A mixed methods approach, integrating quantitative and qualitative methods, will be adopted to ensure data triangulation and contextualization. The research team will combine household surveys, structured interviews, and focus group discussions, complemented by document and desk reviews. The sample size will be determined collaboratively with HFH Zambia and partners to ensure a statistically relevant representation of beneficiaries and stakeholders. Criteria for specific indicators in the results framework will be discussed and designed in collaboration with HFH.
The assessment will include key informant interviews, focus groups, transect walks, and household surveys to obtain a comprehensive picture of the WASH situation. Factors to be adapted include WASH management arrangements, existing WASH legislation, and institutional capacity. Additional activities will involve reviewing relevant documents, conducting desk research, establishing baseline data, examining intervention logic, and assessing goals, objectives, targets, sustainability strategies, risks, assumptions, and financial projections.


a) Independence from Principal and HFHD, also certified by a statement from the consultant; any former or planned and already known business relationship, or any familial relations to the third degree (including aunts, uncles, and cousins) between the consultant or the consulting team and the principal´s or HFHD´s employees or officers must be stated and communicated to BMZ by HFHD before a contract for these services is awarded.
b) The consultancy shall be delivered by an expert team holding the following academic qualifications:

  • MA/MSc or higher in social science or public health or a related field, with relevant experience (WASH or public health)
  • MSc or higher in Hydrogeology/Water engineering/Civil Engineering or a related field
    c) The lead consultant shall have a minimum of 10 years’ experience in conducting feasibility studies on, evaluating or implementing projects in WASH in Zambia as well as at least three references for relevant consulting assignments for reputable NGOs, public agencies, or donors which have been delivered to the satisfaction of the respective principals. (Consultants will be required to share contact details for references; consultants should indicate whether previous work used as a reference can be reviewed by Principal and HFHD; preference will be given to bidders who can present previous work for review.)

d) At least one member of the consultancy team shall have a minimum of 3 years’ experience in assessing projects based on the OECD DAC evaluation criteria.

e) The Consultant/firm must be legally registered and have a Valid Tax Clearance certificate from the relevant regulatory authorities.

The assignment is subject to local Withholding Tax at applicable rates.

7.1 Relevant documents identified by the Principal for Desk Research by Consultant:

a) Government WASH policy-related documents such as the strategic plan and water and sanitation policy.
b) City- (Kitwe) and province (Copperbelt Province) level development plans on WASH, and other relevant strategies, including other policies, and documents.
c) 7th and 8th National Development Plans.
d) WASH project evaluation reports conducted in the district.
e) Existing studies, campaigns, and white papers related to WASH.
f) National and sub-national WASH and NTD (Neglected Tropical Diseases) plans.
g) Gap analyses that underpin national WASH efforts
h) HFHFZ strategic Plan
i) Nkana Water and Sanitation Company’s current Strategic Plan


The Consultant/Firm should submit a technical proposal for carrying out the assignment and the consultancy fee and submit it to the following:
[email protected]

Cc: Human Resources Administrator – Ms. Nchimunya Hanjalika Email: [email protected]

Deadline for Submission is…16th February 2025

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