Website Plan International Zambia
1. About Plan International
Plan International is a rights-based development and humanitarian organization working for better lives for all children. We are independent of government and have no political or religious affiliation. Our purpose is to strive for a just world that advances children’s rights and equality for girls. We have been building powerful partnerships for children for more than 80 years and are now active globally in more than 75 countries.
We work alongside children, young people, our supporters and partners to tackle the root causes of the challenges facing girls and all vulnerable children. We support children’s rights from birth until they reach adulthood and enable children to prepare for and respond to crises and adversity as we strive to advance children’s rights and equality for girls all over the world. As We drive changes in practice and policy at local, national and global levels using our reach, experience and knowledge.
Plan International has worked in Zambia since 1996 and currently working in over 46 communities. It has its Country Office in Lusaka and Program Area Offices (PAs) in Central, Luapula and Eastern Provinces. The organization is guided by a Country Strategy (CS) 2022 – 2026, which outlines Plan International Zambia’s programmatic ambitions with a specific focus on SOYEE, IQE, SRHR and ECD. Gender, child protection, influencing, and climate change remain cross cutting issues. The CS has a specific focus vulnerable and excluded children particularly adolescent girls, as they are often the most marginalized and most often left behind.
It is against this background that Plan International Zambia invites bid for the construction of two ablution block at Matanda (1) and Chisunka (1) Combined Schools in Mansa District of Luapula Province.
2. Site visit
All prospective bidders will be required to conduct a mandatory site visit at both locations at their own cost on 13th January 2025.The meeting point is at Plan International Mansa Office located at Plot No 1030 Chitimukulu Road, Mansa at 09: 00hrs.
3. How to submit your bids.
All prospective bidders should provide the following documentations:
– Complete BOQ –Annex 1
– ZRA registration certificate; valid tax clearance certificate
– PACRA company registration certificate with form III indicating shareholding structure
– ZPPA supplier registration certificate.
– Supplier Questionnaire Form-Annex 3
– At least three traceable references for similar work from reputable organisation/NGO’s/INGO’s
– National Council for Construction (NCC) certificate- minimum 4B
– Company EIZ registration Certificate.
– CVs for the key personnel / technicians to be assigned to these works
– Litigation status, indicating no pending litigation that would negatively affect the execution of these works.
– Site visit certificate.
*NOTE*: Annexes relating to this tender call are attached in this Link, these include Drawings, BOQ and Supplier Questionnaire Form
All submission for this tender should be addressed to:
The Supply Chain & Administration Manager
Plan International Zambia
St Eugene Office Park, Plot: #2866
Ibex Hill, Off Leopards Hill Road
Private Bag 518X RW
Lusaka, Zambia
Submissions should be emailed to [email protected] before 17: 00hrs CAT on 24th January 2025. Any submission received after the deadline will not be considered.
“Women-owned, led and influenced companies’ are encouraged to apply.”