Call for Consultancy of a Gender and Social Inclusion Consultant for the Climate Governance and Integrity Project

  • Consultancy
  • Lusaka, Zambia
  • Applications have closed

Website ti_zambia Transparency International Zambia

Call for Consultancy of a Gender and Social Inclusion Consultant for the Climate Governance and Integrity Project

1.0.  Transparency International Zambia – Background Information

Transparency International Zambia (TI-Z) is a local chapter of the global civil society movement Transparency International. It is a non-profit making non-governmental organization with a registered office in Lusaka; dedicated towards the fight against corruption and the promotion of transparency, integrity, accountability and generally good governance in the discharge of public functions.

TI-Z is implementing a five-year period strategic plan, 2023 – 2027, anchored on five strategic goals, which reflect the thematic areas of focus identified as relevant in addressing the current and prospective concerns of corruption in Zambia.  These strategic focus areas are:  Active Citizenship and Community Action (ACCA), Public and Business Integrity (PBI) building, Public Resource Management (PRM), Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability (CCES) and High Performing Organisation (HPO). The strategic focus areas seek to deliver the achievement of the following strategic objectives:

¾     SO1: Enhanced Citizens’ voices, demanding accountability and taking action against corruption

¾     SO2: Enhanced and sustained integrity and ethical culture in the community, public life and business environment

¾     SO3: Enhanced protection and accountability of public resources

¾     SO4: Strengthened transparency and accountability in climate financing, land and environmental governance

¾     SO5: Well-resourced and high-performance organisation

TI-Z uses a two pronged yet integrated approach to realize its strategic objectives. The approach focuses on the macro level (legal, policy, institutional) and micro level (local, citizens), with activity implementation undertaken in the above mentioned focus areas.

In partnership with Transparency International Secretariat (TI-S), TI-Z will be implementing a three-year project titled:  Transparency, Accountability, and Inclusiveness in Climate Action (TAICA) in Zambia. The project is part of TI’s global Climate Governance and Integrity Programme (CGIP) and contributes to TI-Z’s Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability strategic focus area and the strategic objective: Strengthened transparency and accountability in climate financing, land and environmental governance.

The CGIP seeks to promote transparent, accountable and inclusive climate governance mechanisms to address the challenges of climate change mitigation and adaption. The global programme seeks to enhance the integrity of climate related policies, programmes and actions whilst ensuring gender equality and social inclusion at all levels.

In Zambia the project’s objectives area:

1.       Increased transparency, accountability and inclusiveness in policy making processes relating to climate action

2.       Strengthened CSOs and citizens’ participation and voice demanding for improved accountability, integrity, and oversight of climate financing

3.       Increased support to victims of environmental crime and corruption for improved justice outcomes.

2.0. Consultancy Description

TI-Z seeks to engage a Gender and Social Inclusion Consultant responsible for initiating, coordinating and supporting the mainstreaming of gender and social inclusion in   the TAICA project. The Consultant will also provide gender and social inclusion support to TI-Z core programme areas in terms of the development of the gender mainstreaming approach and plan. Cognisant that corruption has differentiated impacts and effects on societal groups based on gender, age group, geographical location and disability; the consultant will work to enhance these considerations in the project’s advocacy and interventions. The consultant will lead in assessing and providing support in the development of approaches and plans through which the project and TI-Z programme areas will mainstream marginalised groups and develop an implementation strategy that will go beyond quantitative gender indicators.

2.1.   Objective of the Assignment

The primary objective of the Gender and Social Inclusion Consultant is to mainstream gender and social inclusion consideration specifically within the TAICA project and broadly support mainstreaming in TI-Z core programmes. The Consultant will work towards ensuring that all project activities, strategies, and outcomes are sensitive to gender dynamics and promote equitable participation of marginalised groups.

3.0.  Scope of the Work

The Gender and Social Inclusion Consultant will be engaged over a period of six (6) months. Key tasks will include but not necessarily limited to the following;

1.       Lead efforts to incorporate gender and socially inclusive approaches in the TAICA project and TI-Z’s work and programmes

2.       Conduct a comprehensive gender and social inclusion assessment within the context of the project’s and TI-Z programme areas’ scope, identifying existing gaps and opportunities.

3.       Develop a gender and social inclusion strategy that integrates relevant approaches, methodologies and indicators into project planning, implementation and monitoring and evaluation.

4.       Provide technical support and capacity building to TI-Z staff, partners, and stakeholders on gender-responsive and inclusive programming.

5.       Provide quality support and control of project outputs, knowledge products and communication from a gender and social inclusion perspective (lens).

6.       Develop and implement tools and guidelines for mainstreaming gender and social inclusion across project and TI-Z programme activities.

7.       Support the development of a monitoring and evaluation plan to facilitate the effectiveness of gender and social inclusion interventions and recommend adjustments as necessary.

8.       Support efforts to cascade skills and raise awareness on gender and social inclusion as it relates to governance and corruption.

9.       Ensure alignment with national, regional, and international gender and social inclusion frameworks, policies, and best practices.

4.0.  Deliverables and Timeframe

The consultant shall deliver the following:

1.       Gender mainstreaming support implementation plan
By `31st October 2023 and

By 28 February 2024 respectively[1]
2.       A gender and social assessment report with identified entry points to enhance gender and social inclusion in interventions and advocacy.
By 31st October 2023
3.       Guidelines for integrating gender in research, accountability engagements and tools
By December 2023
4.       A training for TI-Z members and staff on gender and social inclusion.
By November 2023
5.       A gender and social inclusion implementation strategy encompassing both TI-Z’s core programmes and the project.
By 31st January 2024
6.       Gender training manual to be used to cascade gender training to TI-Z district structures.
By February 2024

5.0.  Eligibility Information

The ideal candidate should possess the following qualifications, expertise and experience.

1.       Advanced degree in a relevant field such as gender studies, law, development studies, environmental management, natural resource governance, or a related field.

2.        Minimum five years professional experience in gender mainstreaming, social inclusion, natural resource governance, and climate change.

3.       Strong understanding of the governance and anti-corruption sector in Zambia will be an advantage. Experience in the environment sector will an added advantage

4.       Proven track record of designing and implementing gender-responsive and socially inclusive interventions and or projects

5.       Familiarity with global, regional and national gender and social inclusion frameworks and guidelines.

6.       Excellent analytical, writing, communication and facilitation skills

7.       Proven experience providing capacity building, training and technical assistance in gender

8.       Ability to work effectively in muti-stakeholder environments and collaborate with diverse partners

6.0. Application Evaluation Criteria

Proposals will be evaluated based on how well the consultant has demonstrated understanding of the task, experience of previous and similar work, capacity and how the proposed approach aligns with the needs and tasks. Only shortlisted applications will be notified. Applicants may be asked to provide additional or clarifying information and details on the assistance requested

Shortlisted applicants will be required to make a presentation to Transparency International Zambia (TI-Z) demonstrating a full understanding of the assignment (content, process, methods and tools to be used). The award will be made to a person whose offer meets the eligibility requirements, meets or exceeds the minimum required technical specifications, and is judged to be of the best value for money offer based on a technically acceptable basis.

The application will be evaluated according to the evaluation criteria set out below. To the extent necessary (if an award is not made based on initial applications), negotiations may be conducted with each applicant whose application, after discussion and negotiation, has a reasonable chance of being selected for an award.

Evaluation Criteria
Consultant Past Performance:

Record of well-established and successful delivery of similar services. Consultant

has provided evidence of ability to perform similar work, supported by a list of references that can confirm the consultant’s technical qualifications. TI-Z will verify past performances by contacting references.
Technical Approach:

Demonstrated evidence of technical knowledge. CV of

consultant should demonstrate extensive knowledge and experience in gender and social inclusion work
Budget:  Are costs reasonable, allowable, and allocable


¾     Past Performance: The proposal should not only list previous work/projects, but also indicate the role played by the consultant and results obtained on a similar project (work). The CV of the consultant should demonstrate at least five years of solid experience working on or leading similar work, and knowledge of designing and managing qualitative data collection and analysis. Experience of doing similar work and experience in the related field and/or sector.

¾     The applicant is required to submit three references with email and telephone contact information related to past experiences of similar assignments. Please provide the following for each reference: contact information, dates of project(s) with each client, type of work performed in engagement, industry of the client, and any other relevant information that assists with feedback gathering.

¾     Technical Approach: The applicant is required to demonstrate similar work previously undertaken.

¾     Feasibility and Cost Effectiveness: The Consultant should provide the consultancy rate per period in Zambian Kwacha. Please note that costs related to capacity building or trainings as well as travel were required will be borne by TI-Z.

Using the above evaluation criteria, selection committee members will score and rank each application and recommend the best candidate. As applicable, the selection committee may request applicants to provide additional information and refine their proposals within an established deadline for re-submission of a revised application. A request of this nature to one applicant in no way obligates TI-Z to request additional information from any other applicant.

7.0. Application and Submission Information:

Eligible and interested candidates will be required to submit their application no later than Monday 18th September. Applications should be emailed to  [email protected]. The complete application packet must be submitted in the required format with the required attachments.

¾     Technical proposal with consultancy fees/rates

¾     Curriculum Vitae with traceable referees

Offers received after the specified date will be considered late and will be considered only at the discretion of TI-Z. TI-Z reserves the right to make an award based on initial submissions. TI-Z reserves the right to make no award if it is determined that the offers submitted do not satisfy the needs of the organization. All written proposals submitted must be valid for a period of not less than sixty (60) calendar days from the stated closing date.

8.0. Notification of Selection

TI-Z will notify the offeror who submitted the highest scoring proposal in writing by email. Clarifications and revision of minor errors and omissions may be requested. Upon completion of either, the offeror may be required to submit a revised quote.

Note: This Terms of Reference provides a general overview of the roles and responsibilities of the Gender and Social Inclusion Consultant for the Climate Governance and Integrity Project. Specific tasks and activities may be adjusted based on evolving needs of the project.

All prospective candidates are advised to follow the application procedure and guidelines provided.

[1] With reference to 2023 and the 2024 implementation plans respectively

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