As part of their efforts to provide empirical evidence on the state of corruption, Transparency International Zambia (herein after referred to as ‘TI-Z’) and the Anti-Corruption Commission (herein after referred to as ‘ACC’) will be conducting the 2024 Zambia Bribe Payers Index (ZBPI) Survey.
TI-Z was established in June 2000 and was registered in January 2001 under Registration Number 46295 as a ‘Company limited by guarantee’ with the Registrar of Companies. While abiding by the guiding principles of Transparency International globally, TI-Z has adopted its own vision, mission and core values to guide its operations.
The Vision of TI-Z is “a corruption free Zambia anchored on citizens, businesses and institutions of integrity” and its Mission Statement is “To actively contribute to the sustainable development of all Zambians by promoting a culture of integrity, good governance and zero tolerance to corruption”.
The ACC was established under Act No. 3 of 2012 with a Vision Statement “A pro-active, impartial and professional anti-corruption agency that promotes the attainment of a corruption free Zambia” and the Mission Statement – “To prevent, investigate, prosecute corruption, and educate the public in order to safeguard public resources and promote fairness in service delivery”.
TI-Z and the ACC have since 2012 been collaborating in conducting the ZBPI Survey and publishing the ZBPI Report. The ZBPI Report is a summary of the survey results published every other year with the intention of providing an empirical measurement of bribery incidences in the Government departments and parastatal sector in Zambia. The main objective of the 2024 ZBPI Survey is to generate empirical anti-corruption data that will help anti-corruption stakeholders to implement interventions that will respond to the fight against corruption in Zambia. TI-Z and the ACC will continue to utilize information generated from the ZBPI as a basis for engagement, advocacy, and implementing national anti-corruption interventions.
The purpose of the 2024 ZBPI survey is to provide empirical evidence on the state of bribery in selected Government ministries, departments and agencies.
The specific objectives include the following;
To assess the state of bribery (probability, frequency, prevalence, incidence, severity, size, among others) in selected government ministries, departments and agencies
To identify the services within selected public institutions more prone to corruption.
To assess the progress being made in the implementation of anti-corruption interventions and or strategies by the ACC and other stakeholders.
To explore the extent of bribery and other forms of corruption in the implementation of the Constituency Development Funded (CDF) Programme in selected constituencies across the country.
To generate a Bribery Index and a Governance Index based on selected indicators.
To recommend key strategies and approaches that can be adopted by Zambia to reduce bribery in government institutions and the CDF Programme.
The 2024 ZBPI survey will target households and service seekers at public institutions across the ten (10) provinces of the Republic of Zambia. The sample size for households will be distributed on a population-proportionate to size basis across different administrative regions, districts, and at the national level. Further the survey will also focus on bribery as it relates to Corruption in the decentralization process, specifically under the Constituency Development Fund (CDF) Programme.
Based on the methodological requirements as outlined in the call for the ZBPI technical bids, the selected consultant will propose the ZBPI methodology considering the suggested focus areas of the 2024 ZBPI and building on the methodology used in previous ZBPIs. The Consultant will be required to prepare a Field Procedure plan that will offer the following details: structure and composition of data collection teams for household (with roles and responsibilities), training of Research Assistants and pre-test of questionnaires, detailed survey fieldwork procedure plan, detailed timeline of fieldwork activities, including the expected time each team will spend in each survey area and the order in which geographical areas will be covered, informed consent procedures for each survey respondent, supervision and spot check plans to ensure adherence to data collection protocols and confirm quality of data collection, data flow management using relevant tools, procedures for addressing data inconsistencies/misreporting when identified, and back-check plan outlining the procedure for re-interviews with a random sample of households.
In addition to the preparation of a field procedure plan, the consultant is expected to:
Prepare a time-bound work plan for completion of the survey and report.
Provide the methodology to be applied in the survey.
Develop relevant research instruments for each category of respondents.
Train research assistants.
Ensure Data Quality
Undertake data analysis and write the ZBPI Report
Present the Draft 2024 ZBPI Report and lead the validation meeting.
Revise the Draft Report based on the input from TI-Z, the ACC and other stakeholders and from the validation meeting and submit the final report.
Present the 2024 ZBPI Final Report at the National Lunch.
Engage the Zambia Statistics Agency for validation of the research process.
Below is the summary of the proposed methodology for the 2024 ZBPI Survey.
4.1 Overall Approach.
The theme for the 2024 ZBPI will be “Corruption in the Decentralization Process with a focus on the CDF implementation”. Based on the methodological requirements as outlined in the call for the ZBPI technical bids, the selected consultant will propose the ZBPI methodology considering the suggested focus areas of the 2024 ZBPI.
4.2 ZBPI Indicators.
Incidence – the number of times officials asked people for bribes
Prevalence – the number of people that paid bribes
Frequency – the number of times individuals paid bribes
Bribe Size – average amount of money spent on bribes by individuals
Severity– implications and consequences of bribe payment and/or refusal.
4.3 Design and sample size.
The consultant is expected to develop and suggest a sampling strategy including a description of:
Sample size (or expectations of the consultant (s) in calculating it).
Necessary respondent disaggregation.
Sampling approach.
Participant selection and recruitment.
4.4 Data Collection.
The consultant will conduct interviews at the household level and selected public institutions in 10 provinces, 20 districts and 40 wards in Zambia. The Consultant will also propose appropriate software for data collection and analysis. The consultant will be responsible for installing the questionnaires in the adopted software and for data management. The Consultant has the option either to participate in the field work or not.
4.5 Ongoing Monitoring of Data Collection.
A combined team of TI-Z and ACC staff will perform spot monitoring during the period of data collection to ensure quality, accuracy and reliability of the data.
4.6 Data Cleaning and Report Writing.
The consultant will be responsible for monitoring data being submitted from the field and cleaning the final data collected. Further, the consultant will be responsible for data analysis and report writing.
4.7 Privacy and Confidentiality.
The Consultant will protect the confidentiality of those participating in the study at all stages. All data are to be treated as confidential. No data or other information from this study will be released to third parties without the written approval of the TI-Z and the ACC.
All documents, including survey instruments produced by the Consultant in providing the Services shall be and remain the property of TI-Z and the ACC and shall be handed over to TI-Z and the ACC on demand and in an event that the contract is terminated. The final outputs of the consultancy are understood to be solely the property of TI-Z and the ACC and the services provision agreement will not constitute any entitlement to its use or dissemination beyond the terms of the contract. The contract shall include other standard clauses regarding confidentiality, termination, etc.
The Inception Report shall include; timelines, detailed methodology, including sampling approach and size, draft data collection tools; ethical considerations and consent forms for the primary data collection. The report will also include methods for data analysis, brief justification of the methods and techniques used (including relevant underlying values and assumptions/ theories) with a justification of the selections made (e.g. of persons to be interviewed). The inception report should be submitted and presented to TI-Z and ACC staff to facilitate feedback.
Produce the overall 2024 ZBPI Report, clearly highlighting the findings, conclusions and recommendations. The findings should include the performance indicators provided for in these Terms of Reference.
Provide a Field Procedure Plan, including Tracking Protocols.
Develop a Research Assistant Training Manual.
Produce final raw datasets. (in Excel STATA, or SPSS format), transcripts of qualitative interviews, any other data, syntax/ code books etc.
The assignment should be completed within ninety (90) days.
6.1 Payment Schedule.
Fifty (50) percent shall be paid within 14 days after submission of the inception report.
Thirty (30) percent shall be paid within 14 days following submission and acceptance of draft report.
Twenty (20) percent shall be paid within 14 days following submission and acceptance of final report.
The Consultant shall ensure that they are registered for payment of withholding Tax. The onus of paying withholding tax of 15% on the consultancy fees shall rest upon TI-Z and the ACC.
6.2 Relevant Information to Consider when Drafting the Budget.
TI-Z and the ACC will recruit and pay Research Assistants.
TI-Z and ACC will meet accommodation and meals costs for the Consultant during the Research Assistants’ training.
TI-Z and the ACC will meet all the cost related to field work.
TI-Z and the ACC will meet the cost of ongoing monitoring of data collection.
The selected Consultant must have relevant experience in managing surveys, preferably cross-sectional surveys. This includes preparing survey materials, training and supervising enumerators, electronic data collection, maintaining records, and ensuring confidentiality of records. The consultant must have sufficient experience and capacity to manage survey logistics, including equipment, materials, and personnel.
To be considered for this research project the Lead Consultant must have the following qualifications:
A Minimum of a Master’s Degree in social sciences, governance studies, development studies, economics, or any other relevant qualification;
At least 7 years’ experience in conducting complex National level surveys in the field of governance and/or corruption.
Should be legally registered to operate in Zambia.
d) To be considered for this research project, the Lead Consultant should also demonstrate experience in electronic data collection, including;
Strong capacity in database design and data management
Excellent written and oral communication skills in English.
Applications consisting of:
A cover letter summarizing suitability and qualifications for this assignment.
List of relevant similar assignments or actual outputs from these assignments.
CVs of the team members.
Technical and financial proposal with indicative work plan showing consultant’s planned approach to the assignment.
Company profile and compliance to the Laws of the Republic of Zambia, if registered as a company.
Any other supporting documents.
Applications should be sent electronically to [email protected]. Kindly use “2024 Zambia Bribes Payers Index” as the subject for your email and attach all relevant documents. Applications should be sent before close of business on 12th July, 2024.