The Zambia Council for Social Development (ZCSD) formerly Northern Rhodesia Social Welfare originally formed in 1954 and soon after it was revitalized in 1974 as an umbrella organization for Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in Zambia. The ultimate goal is to improve the capacity of member organizations and promote the vibrancy of CSOs in Zambia. The Council also serves as a coordinating national body for CSOs and provides a mutual platform for CSOs to debate and facilitate formulation of CSO on harmonized position for advocacy engagement with relevant policy makers. The Council exists to provide cutting edge research and policy adviser to the Zambian Government, Citizenry and other national, regional and international development institutions and networks that together are working to see reduced inequalities, poverty and social economic growth that is both sustainable and environmentally friendly. ZCSD has marked interest in the welfare of much marginalized groups of people with experience of having work with displaced people, women and children and people with disabilities. Gender, HIV/AIDS and Climate change are cross cutting issues that are mainstreamed in all ZCSD programmes.
ZSCD invites expression of interest from a reputable, qualified and experienced audit firm to provide External Audit Services for the financial year ending 31st December,2024.
1.The objective of the audit of the financial statements is to enable the auditors to express an independent professional opinion on the financial position of ZCSD and to ensure that the funds utilized to ZCSD’s activities have been used for their intended purposes.
2.The financial statements are prepared based on its maintained books of accounts, which comply with the legal requirements. ZCSD has ensured the maintenance of proper books of account and adequate internal controls and maintains supporting documentation for the transactions.
1.The audit will be carried out in accordance with the International Auditing Standards and will include tests and verification procedures as the auditors deem necessary.
2.Verify all funds have been used in accordance with the established rules and regulations of ZCSD and only for the purposes for which the funds were provided.
3.Goods, works and services financed have been procured in accordance with the ZCSD established rules and procedures.
4.Appropriate supporting documents, records and books of accounts relating to all activities have been kept. Clear linkages should exist between the books of accounts and the financial statements presented.
5.The financial statements have been prepared by ZCSD management in accordance with applicable accounting standards and give a true and fair view of the financial position of ZCSD and of its receipts and expenditures for the period ended on that date.
6.Comprehensive assessment of the adequacy and effectiveness of the accounting and overall internal control system to monitor expenditures and other financial transactions.
7.Express an opinion as to reasonableness of the financial statements in all material respects.
8.Include in their reports opinion on compliance with procedures designed to provide reasonable assurance of detecting misstatements due to errors or omissions that are material in the financial statements.
9.Conduct entry and exit meeting with the Executive Director of ZCSD.
In addition to the audit report, the auditors will prepare a Management Letter on the. following:
a) Give comments and observations on the accounting records, procedures, systems and controls that were examined during the course of the audit.
b) Identify specific deficiencies and areas of weakness in systems and controls and make recommendations for improvement.
c) Report on the implementation status of recommendations pertaining to previous period audit reports.
d) Communicate matters that have come to their attention during the audit which might have a significant impact on the sustainability of the organization.
e) Bring to the Executive Director’s attention any other matters that the auditors consider pertinent.
The audit work shall be completed within 10days from the date of commencement.
All application should be submitted by 28th January 2025 before 17:00hrs Zambian time.
Application submitted after this date and time will not be considered.
The application will be submitted online through the undersigned email address.
Email: [email protected]