Website Zambia Red Cross Society
The Zambia Red Cross Society under the IFRC NSIA Project intends to engage suitably qualified Contractor (s) for The Rehabilitation of the Henry Dunant Lodge (Zambia Red Cross Lodge) in Livingstone Southern Province
Interested bidders may obtain further information from and inspect the bidding documents (and additional copies) from the Lodge Manager, Livingstone Southern Province upon paying a non-refundable fee of K500. Mobile numbers are 0974105639 or 0963335283. NOTE HOWEVER, ONLY PHYSICALLY DELIVERED BIDS WILL BE ACCEPTED. TELEGRAPHIC, TELEFAX OR E-MAIL OFFERS SHALL NOT BE ACCEPTED.
Site Visit must be done by interested bidders. Below are the contact details and number for the person on the ground.
Name: Luyando Mweemba
Contact Number :0974105639
3. Successful Bidders will be selected according to the traceable quality and competitive works performed before and their financial capacity. Qualifications for potential bidders will include:
a. List of Works Previously Executed
b. List of Key Personnel
c. Three (3) months bank statement (Latest)
d. ZPPA Certificate
e. PACRA Company registration
f. Engineering Institution of Zambia
g. Valid Tax Clearance Certificate
h. Power of Attorney
i. Bid Declaration
j. List of Available Plant and Equipment
4. Prices quoted shall remain valid for 30 days from the closing date of tender.
5. Completed tender documents in English are to be sealed in envelopes marked with Tender name, Company name and reference number and deposited at the Henry Dunant lodge, Manager’s Office in Southern Province.
6. Three (3) copies of sealed bids must be deposited with the Lodge Manager’s office or Reception situated at the Hendry Dunant Lodge, on or before 2nd February, 2024, at 14:00 hours local time.
7. Any bids received after the time and date stipulated above will not be accepted. The bids will be opened at the Henry Dunant Lodge on the 2nd of February, 2024 at 14:30 hours in the presence of bidders or their representatives who choose to attend at the Henry Dunant lodge.
Additional bidding Documents and Bill of Quantities can also be accessed through the link here;