Recruitment of Teachers for 2018




The Teaching Service Commission is inviting applications from suitably qualified candidates to be employed as Teachers during the 2018 Teacher Recruitment exercise.

Candidates must meet the following:

  1. Must be a Zarnbian National
  2. Must be between 18-45 years old
  3. Must have a Grade Twelve School Certificate with five (5) Credits or better, including English and Mathematics
  4. Must be from an accredited Teacher Training College with a minimum training period of two (2) years
  5. Must be a registered member of the Teaching Council of Zambia
  6. Must be ready to work anywhere their services are required for a minimum period of four years before applying for a transfer
  7. Must have graduated in 2015 or before.
  8. Candidates with professional qualifications of Natural Sciences, Mathematics, Design and Technology, Business Studies, ICT and Agricultural Science will be given priority.

Persons living with disability who meet the following requirements are encouraged to apply as 10 percent of the available positions will be allocated to them:

  1. Must be a Zambian National
  2. Must be between 18-45 years old
  3. Must have a Grade Twelve School Certificate with four (4) Credits or better
  4. Must be from an accredited Teacher Training College
  5. Must be a registered member of the Teaching Council of Zambia
  6. Must be registered by Zambia Agency for Persons living with Disabilities (ZAPD)

Interested candidates that meet the above requirements should submit their applications on STA form 1 with all the relevant certified attachments (Grade 12 School Certiacate, actual copies of Certificate, Diploma or Degree qualifications, TCZ registration, Certificate and NRC) to the Human Resource Management Committee based at the District Education Board Secretary Office on or before Friday, 26th October, 2018, Candidates must apply to only one district.

Applicants should note that multiple applications will lead to disqualification.

Zechariah Luhanga
Commission Secretary

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