Scholarships 2019 – 2024

Rhodes Park School is Zambia’s leading private education institution and has been serving Lusaka’s families since the late 1960’s. We offer a high standard of nursery, primary and secondary education with a modern approach that has not abandoned traditional values.

The Folotiya Memorial Scholarships were introduced in 1997 in honour of the founders of our school, the late Mr. and Mrs. Mwansa and Lydia Folotiya.

The aim of the Scholarships is to encourage and reward academic excellence. For the past two decades,
many of our scholarship recipients have gone on to set the pace at institutions of higher learning around the world.

The Scholarships are awarded to the qualifying candidates attaining the highest marks in the Rhodes Park School Grade Eight Entrance Examination.

The winners of these Scholarships receive complimentary tuition at Rhodes Park School from Grade Eight to Grade Twelve as follows:

  • 1 Major Scholarship (male) – 100% of tuition fees
  • 1 Major Scholarship (female) – 100% of tuition fees

The Major Scholarships are offered to pupils who have been at Rhodes Park School for a minimum of three consecutive years at the time of writing the Entrance Examination.

  • 1 Minor Scholarship (male) – 75% of tuition fees
  • 1 Minor Scholarship (female) – 75% of tuition fees

Pupils from any school, and those who have been at Rhodes Park School less than three years at the time of writing the Entrance Examination are able to be offered the Minor Scholarships.

To be eligible for either Folotiya Memorial Scholarship, a candidate must be aged 13 and under at the time of writing the Grade Eight Entrance Examination.

The Board of Directors of Rhodes Park Schools Limited is pleased to announce that this year’s Grade Eight Entrance Examination Sitting for External Candidates will be held on Tuesday 13th November, 2018 at 09:00. There will be an Examination Fee of K800 payable before sitting this examination.

Please contact the School Secretary on telephone 0211-291634 or 0977-112702 or visit our main campus at Sibweni Road, Northmead, Lusaka for booking an exam space or for further details .

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