Could you teach?

A new paper, jointly released by the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) and the Education for All Global Monitoring Report, shows a chronic lack of trained teachers in many countries – including Zambia.

Without action, it will be impossible to get all children into school and learning by 2030. Furthermore, in the rush to fill this gap, many countries are recruiting new teachers with little training.

How many teachers will need to be recruited in Zambia by 2015 and 2030? 

Explore the data and see how Zambia’s teacher recruitment needs compare with other countries in the region:

Projected total teacher recruitment in Zambia in 2015 & 2030

As you can see from the tables above there is a significant projected teacher recruitment need in Zambia in both 2015 and 2030. In 2015, the projected teacher recruitment figure is 23,200. This figures rises to 134,800 by 2030.

Could you teach?

If you are interested in finding out more about teaching as a career why not check out the Careers Profile section on

To view the teaching career profile simply visit: Teaching


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