Young, talented and…..unemployed?
Are you one of the many young, talented and unemployed individuals in Zambia? If so, you are not alone in this world. According to the United Nations International Labour Organization (ILO) there are about 75 million 15 to 24-year-olds around the world out of work. This is over 5 times the number of people in Zambia and represents approximately 12.5% of all young people world-wide.
This not only represents a huge loss of productive capacity – it also has the potential for social disruption and is a cause of daily suffering for the millions of young people desperately seeking employment.
So if you are one of the young, talented and unemployed people you are not alone.
As international organisations, national governments and industry are seeking solutions to address the serious issue of youth unemployment we want to know what you are doing and what you think can be done to help youth unemployment.
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