The Zambian Open University invites applications from suitably qualified persons for the January 2018 intake in the following Graduate programmes of study by distance learning:
- Master of Arts in Criminal Justice
- Master of Arts in Development Studies
- Master of Arts in History
- Master of Arts in Legal Studies
- Master of Arts in Religious Studies
- Master of Arts in Sociology
- Master of Arts in Trade, Development and International Relations
- Master of Arts in Transformative Community Development
- Master of Business Administration (Generic)
- Master of Business Administration (Human Resources )
- Master of Business Administration(Project Management)
- Master of Education in Early Childhood Education
- Master of Education in Literacy and Development
- Master of Education in Management and Administration
- Master of Laws
- Master of Science in Geography
- Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Business Administration
- Doctor of Philosophy in Criminal Justice
- Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Development Studies
- Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Education Management and Administration
- Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in History
- Doctor of Philosophy in Law
- Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Literacy and Development
- Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Religious Studies
- Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Sociology
Candidates for Masters degree must have a Bachelor of Arts degree with a distinction, merit or credit, or A Bachelor of Arts Degree with a pass plus minimum post qualification working experience of 5 years or more in the field of study.
Candidates for the Criminal Justice programme are solicited especially from the police, judiciary and government departments. Candidates for PhD degrees must have a good Masters degree.
The following certified documents should be attached to the completed Application forms:
- Copies of academic and professional Certificates.
- Curriculum Vitae – two pages maximum.
- Description of proposed area of study in 800 words and not more than 1000 words.
- Three (3) references, two (2) of whom must be academic referees, together with their names, e-mail and postal addresses as well as cellphone numbers.
These are two (2) – year graduate programmes; one academic year course work, and another academic year for research and writing of dissertation. Maximum study period for Masters programmes is three (3) years.
PhD Programmes
One academic year course work followed by at least two (2) years of research and writing of dissertation. Maximum study period is five (5) years.
All intending applicants should deposit a non-refundable fee of K200.00 into the Zambian Open University Account Number: 1031176500166 held at Zambia National Commercial Bank (ZANACO), Manda Hill Branch.
Application forms are obtainable from the following Zambian Open University ( ZAOU) Centres:
- Livingstone: The Regional Manager, 53 Mose Street. Tel: 03 323 022/0978 333 615/0977 702 905
- Kitwe: The Regional Manager, 11 William Street Nkana West Cell 0966 438 943 / 02 224 628
- Kasama: The Regional Manager, Room 4 Cheweko Complex, Kasama. Cell 0977 615 235 Tel: 04 221 198
- Kabwe: The Regional Manager, Starcy Building Cell 0977 799 305/0969 970 835
- Mansa: The Regional Manager, 80 Mukwa Road – Low Density. Cell 0977 835 846
- Chipata: The Regional Manager, Plot No. 875 Hospital Road, Kalongwezi. Cell: 0973 241 120;
- Mongu: The Regional Manager, Plot No. 339 opposite Little Wood School, Cell: 0976 000 739
- Solwezi: The Co-ordinator, North Western Business Centre (opposite Police Headquarters); Cell:0977419 927
- Mumbwa: The Coordinator, Muyaba Building (Opposite Filling Station) Cell: 0955 998 054
- Lusaka: The Regional Manager, Plot No. 9171, General Nursing Council of Zambia Building, Off Ben Bella Road (near CHAZ) Tel: 0211 225 778 OR 0211 845469 Main Campus, Mumbwa Road.
Competed Application Forms to be sent to:
The Registrar
Zambian Open University
Plot 7096, Lusaka West, Unity Road off Mumbwa Road
P O Box 31925
Tel: 845469/096-9-672965/097-6-123055