Website Kindernothilfe
Terms of Reference
KNH National Trainer for Child Protection (Zambia)
KNH is looking for a qualified individual to serve as National Trainer for Child Protection in Zambia on a consultancy-basis. The consultancy is expected to start in May 2023 with a given number of days annually, based on an agreed upon workplan and budget
The scope of work has been outlined below
1.1 Kindernothilfe
Kindernothilfe e.V. (German for “Supporting children in need”) was founded in 1959 as a Christian organisation and became one of the largest child rights organisations in Germany. The overall goal of Kindernothilfe (KNH) is to contribute to form a world in which children and young people can live a life of human dignity, develop personal talents and, together with their families and communities, take their development into their own hands. Kindernothilfe partners with local non-governmental organisations to implement around 600 projects in 33 countries in Sub-Saharan Africa, Asia, Europe and Latin America and the Caribbean, reaching out to more than 1.9 million children and young people.
Kindernothilfe’s global head office is located in Duisburg, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, with coordination structures in nearly all partner countries. Projects and programs are mainly funded through private donations (more than 80% from individual donors and 20% from public and institutional donors). The projects have a child-rights focus in accordance with the organization’s mission.
1.2 Recognizing the problem of (Sexual) violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation of children
(Sexual) violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation of children and vulnerable persons is a worldwide issue, existing in both, developed and developing countries. It is deeply rooted in cultural, economic and social practices. Children with disabilities are affected more than those without disabilities. Moreover, children in institutions or under institutionalized care run an increased risk of abuse. All these children as well as children in different development and humanitarian aid projects are in risk to suffer maltreatment or abuse by staff, volunteers or donors and are therefore in need of special protection.
KNH recognizes the fundamental duty of safeguarding these children against any hazard that may appear within the organization of KNH, the partner organizations and in the programs and projects funded by KNH.
1.3 KNH-Strategy for a Child Protection Capacity Building Program for Partner Organizations
In order to strengthen our efforts to prevent and respond to child abuse within our work KNH joined the international “Keeping Children Save Coalition (KCS)” and started to develop a Child Protection Policy for KNH according to the standards set by KCS.
These standards should also apply for the Child Protection Policies of our partners. It is our shared aim to provide the best possible prevention for children at project level and to provide assistance for children that have been abused. All partners have been informed about the ongoing process and have been availed an opportunity for capacity building. The National trainer is therefore expected to accompany them through this process.
Training system
The training system consists of 3 to 4 days workshops per module, for the two modules. The workshops are based on the training materials of KCS and will be facilitated by a “Regional Trainer”, who is responsible for the workshops in all countries of one continent and a “National Trainer” for Zambia being responsible for the advisory service for all KNH partner organizations in Zambia during development and implementation process of their Child Protection Policies.
a) Module 1
The training and/or refresher focuses on the core elements and instruments of an institutional child protection procedure. The facilitation is based on interactive exercises and practical examples. The participants will be enabled to start to develop/review child protection policies for their organizations.
The following sessions will be part of Module 1:
- Cultural and legal framework of children’s rights and child protection
- Child abuse and maltreatment: Types of abuse and maltreatment, attitudes and values, definitions
- Identification of risks and risk management
- Why elaborate a Child Protection Policy?
- Standards according to “Keeping Children Safe Coalition”
- Elements of a Child Protection Policy
- Self-Audit of Organizations
- Preventive Strategies (Human Resources, Code of Conduct)
- Preventive Strategies (Standards for Communication)
- Case Management System (Actors, functions, processes, protection of victims etc.)
- Elaboration of an action plan and implementation strategy
b) Advisory Service
The Local Trainer will give advice to the partner organizations during the formulation process or revision process of their respective Child Protection Policies. Therefore, approximately two half-day visits to each partner organization are planned and can be complemented by specific consultations by phone or e-mail. The objective is to strengthen the partner organizations during the process and clarify specific or individual issues that may arise.
c) Module 2
The follow up Module II within 6-9 months will help participants to review in detail the developmental steps of the core elements of the child protection system. There will be a special focus on the children’s participation in child protection procedures and the link to community-based child protection mechanisms.
The following sessions will be part of Module II:
- Introduction and Status quo
- Exchange of experience
- Public and Community Child Protection System
- Concept of Child Participation
- Child friendly capacity of staff
- Child protection perspective in programming
- Preparing adult facilitators
- Introduction of the child protection toolkit
Target group of the trainings
- Core Management and Program staff of partner organizations (2 Persons per partner organization)
- Max. 30 persons per workshop
2. Objective of the Capacity Building Process
Module 1
- Participants have a good understanding about the legal framework of children’s rights and child protection and how it appears in their national and local context;
- Participants are informed about the different types of child abuse;
- Participants are aware of appropriate strategies of prevention and case management;
- Participants are able to develop a Child Protection Policy for their organization including relevant actors;
- Participants are able to transform the key elements of a child protection policy into practice;
Module 2
- Participants have a platform for experience sharing about the development process or revision of their Child Protection Policies.
- Participants are familiar with the existing external child protection system and know how to link this with their internal child protection mechanisms.
- Participants have an understanding of how to mainstream a child protection perspective in programming.
- Participants have the knowledge how to involve children in the implementation and monitoring of the Child Protection Policy and procedures of their organisation.
- Participants have an understanding how to implement child protection activities with major target groups.
3. The National Trainer
- Conducts follow/training up to the Module 1 and Module 2-Trainings and facilitates the Refresher Training as needed, applying the methodology set by KNH, which is based on the Keeping Children Safe Standards;
- Gives specific advice (through visits, phone calls or email dialogue) to the partner organizations while they are developing and implementing their respective Child Protection Policies.
3.1 Facilitator Requirements
The following qualifications/competencies with proven experience in conducting such or similar exercise, are required:
- a Masters Degree in a relevant field such as Pedagogy, Education, Social Sciences, Development Studies or similar professional background
- Proven experience and certification in the facilitation of workshops applying interactive and participatory methods
- Good knowledge of Children’s Rights and Child Protection issues
- Good skills and experience in developing monitoring reports and delivering structured information about ongoing capacity building processes
- fluent spoken and written English and local language(s)
- proven experience of working with children and youths will be an added advantage
3.2 Specific Tasks
- participate in preparatory meetings with Regional Trainer (2 days)
- One brief report of each workshop giving information about the motivation, knowledge and child protection challenges of the participating partner organizations
- Ongoing information and reports on the status quo of the partner organizations regarding their status quo of the elaboration of a Child Protection Policy pointing out clearly the specific achievements, challenges and restrictions of each partner organization according to the monitoring tool of phase 1.
- Monitor implementation of action plans (programmatic + technical level) methodological, technical support to partner
- Transition of responsibility to country coordination after Module 2
- Briefing country coordination about program
- Inform Regional Trainer about change of training programme
- Send monitoring tool on partners to Country Coordination (twice between Module 1 + 2)
- Compile agreed summary report with Country Coordination to KNH (twice between Module 1 + 2)
- After visit send agreed action points to respective partners
- Status quo report after the trainings and follow up discussions with partners, to KNH and country coordination.
- Send draft CPP of Partners with evaluation comments to KNH and Country Coordination before Module 2
4. Roles and responsibility of other stakeholders
KNH Head Office (Child Protection Team)
- Coordination and development of CP-program
- Provide Training Materials
- Integrate CP in Country Coordination (internal + external)
- Inform Country Coordination about roles and responsibilities
KNH Coordination Structure
- Engage in ownership process
- Joint monitoring of partners
- Ensuring logistics
- Taking part in the training
- Accompanying the process
- Sustaining the process
- Ensuring smooth cooperation with trainers
Regional Trainer
- Coordinate regional process on technical level
- Participate in development of CP-Program
- Briefing Country Coordination and National Trainer on CP-Program
- Send 3-5 pages report to KNH on general observations with recommendations after each workshop
5. Methodology and Timeframe
- The structure and program of the trainings will be provided by KNH. As well, KNH will provide the corresponding documents and PowerPoint-Presentations for the inputs, instruments for participatory activities and handouts related to the workshop issues.
- The workshop/s will be planned for on a yearly basis, the next Module 1 Training and Refresher Training is planned for by August 2023.
- KNH will provide information about the partner organizations to enable the National Trainer to develop the follow up action plan.
6. Mode of Payment
A daily fee will be paid to the National Trainer for:
- Two induction days per Module with the regional trainer and familiarization with the training materials
- The actual workshop days plus one preparation day and one reporting day for each workshop;
- Advisory and monitoring visits of the partner organizations;
- Travel days, travel costs, as well as allowances for food and accommodation.
7. Contract
KNH Country Coordinator will contract the consultant on a freelance basis. The contract will be based on the agreed annual workplan and the respective budget for the assignment.
Application letter and curriculum Vitae should be sent by 14th April 2023
To the KNH Country Coordinator Zambia:
[email protected] or [email protected]
Phone: +260-977-803-367 may be used for any clarification needed only up to 07th April 2023.
Lizzie Tigere