Beit Trust Postgraduate Scholarships 2021/22


Beit Trust Postgraduate Scholarships

2021 IN THE UK


Every year, the Set Trustees offer scholarships at partner universities in the UK and Scuth Africa. Graduates who are Zambian Nationals under the age of 30 (or 35 in the case of medical doctors and veterinarians) are eligible to apply.

You should first appy directly to the universities lis:ed below We would advise you to apply to more than one, to boost your chance of acceptance and selection Once you have an acceptance, you can then apply to the Beit Trust.

The scholarship is for a Master’s Degree only. The Trust does not fund undergraduate degrees.

The awards in the UK are for one-year taught MSc/MA degrees. Our partner universities are

  • Cambridge
  • Edinburgh
  • Glasgow
  • Leeds
  • Oxford, including a Master’s in Public Policy (MPP) at the Blavatnik School of Government
  • St Andrews

Master’s Degrees are also offered in South Africa. These are for two-year MSc/MA courses at the following partner universities

  • The University of Cape Town
  • Rhodes University
  • Stellenbosch University

Please note that applications for South African universities will be for the academic year beginning Jan/Feb 2022.

Once you have a confirmed offer from any of the above universities and you wish to apply for a Beit Postgraduate Scholarship, please visit the Scholarships page on for further details about thc application process Your offer letter(s) must be included with your application.

Our applications open end-September 2020. You should apply to us as soon as you have your university acceptance, but no later than 12 February 2021. Our Scholarship Selection Boards sit in the week of 22 March 2021 to interview candidates. The Trust will advise selected applicants of the exact date closer to the time.

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