Distance Learning Training for Zambian Registered Nurses – July 2015 Intake

Distance Learning Training for Zambian Registered Nurses 

The Ministry of Health in collaboration with ChildFund Zambia and Amref Health Africa wishes to invite application from suitably qualified candidates to be enrolled for July 2015 intake in the Distance Learning (e Learning) training for Zambia Registered Nurses.

The Training will be conducted in the following Schools of Nursing: Ndola, Kitwe, Mufulira, Livingstone, Monze, Chikankata, Mansa, Kasama, Kabwe, Solwezi and Mukinge.

Interested candidates must meet the following requirements:

  1. Full grade 12 School Certificate with 5 Credits or better in English. Mathematics and Science and any other two (2) subjects.
  2. 16 years and above
  3. Own accommodation within the town where the School of Nursing is located
  4. Must be a Zambian citizen with a green National Registration Card/Passport.

How to Apply:

Application forms can be obtained from the aforementioned schools at a non refundable fee of K70 from 1st April, 2015.

Shortlisted applicants will be required to pay a non refundable interview fee of K 130. Successful candidates will be notified of admission by June, 2015 and expected to report to school by July, 2015.

Vulnerable youths who possess the required Grade 12 results and have a Social Welfare report are encouraged to apply.

For further details on e-learning please call: 097-7-698 542/097-7-520 394/097-9-430 907/ 097-9-979 243 between 08:00 and 17:00 hours.

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