Enrolment for Construction Industry Skills Award Courses

National Council for Construction (NCC) is a statutory body set up under the National Council for Construction Act No. 13 of 2003 under the Laws of Zambia. Under this law, NCC is charged with the responsibility of providing for the promotion, development, training and regulation of the Construction Industry in Zambia.

NCC has a Construction School which is a Grade One Technical Education and Vocational Entrepreneurship Training Authority registered institution, a member of the (ASOCSA) of Schools of Construction in Southern Africa (ASOCSA and Intentional Vocational Education and Training Association (IVETA).

The NCC Construction School conducts courses meant to bridge the skills gap in the constriction sector. The courses are intended for small and medium scale contractors, government institutions, local authorities, constructing firms, individuals and other stakeholders in Zambia.

The School is now enrolling for 2017 courses and are inviting applications from eligible candidates.

Please note: The school offers accommodation at K30.00 per day per bed space and accommodation meals ranging from K15 to K35.

Entry Requirements:

Direct Entry

  • Full Grade 12 certificate with passes in Mathematics and English

Mature Entry

  • A minimum of GCE with passes in English Language, Mathematics and Science and a minimum of two (2) years working  experience in the Construction industry.
  • Grade 9 School leavers are eligible for courses up to 2 weeks in duration

Other Requirements

Application fees must be accompanied with the following documents:

  • Certified copies of National Registration Card
  • Certified copies of school/other certificates
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Medical fee of K100.00 (Kwacha One Hundred Kwacha Only) payable on registration
  • Appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)


Skills Award Certification under the TEVET system in aforementioned courses will be awarded by the National Council for Construction.

For further details please contact the Training Manager on +260 977 829649 or via email on [email protected].

Please address all written queries:

The Principal
National Council for Construction
Construction School
P.O. Box 39548

Tel. No: 260 211 247185/2486
Fax: 260 211 247264/2431 15


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