Results Based Monitoring & Evaluation (RBM&E) 10th -14th October – 2016, Mika Hotel, Lusaka
This is a one week intensive participatory workshop training aimed at providing an overview of results-based monitoring and evaluation methods with practical applications of tools and methods. This course will provide participants with M&E tools, techniques and resources needed for planning, organizing, and/or managing programs and projects.
Expected Outcome
- Improved understanding of Results Based M&E concepts, methods and tools
- Increased knowledge and skills of participants to monitor and evaluate programs /projects.
- Improved understanding of how to improve the quality of their projects while promoting learning and accountability through RB M&E
This one week training course is targeted at consultants, M&E practitioners, project/program managers, scientists, researchers and database managers. It seeks to enhance participants understanding of M&E with the view to improving implementation, decision-making, and management capacities through learning and action.
Workshop Content
- Introduction to Results-Based Monitoring and Evaluation
- Program Theory of Change and Impact Pathways
- Outcome Mapping and Results-Based Management
- Using a Results Framework Model to Describe Your Program
- Constructing indicators and formulating M&E questions
- Result Based Monitoring and Evaluation Systems and Plan
- Deciding on the sampling strategy
- Ex-ante and Ex-post Impact Evaluation
- Baseline Assessments
- Data Collection and Analysis
- Communicating and Use of M&E results
The workshop will employ a range of interacting teaching and presentation methods such as lectures, group discussions presentations, and case studies hands-on exercises and case studies. Participants are encouraged to come with case studies on M&E to share and to be used as material for practice.
MIKA Hotel Kabulonga, Lusaka, Zambia.
COST: The course fee is $320 per person. Note that the course fee does not include accommodation as it is arranged upon request.
Interested participants should Visit our website on OR Send an email to [email protected]
For further inquiries you can also call on: +260979905556
Bank Details: First National Bank
Account Name: Keno Institute of Training and Research
Account Number: 62635886221
Country: Zambia
Branch: Commercial
Swift code: FIRNZMLX