Executive Course – Results Based Monitoring & Evaluation


Results Based Monitoring & Evaluation (RBM&E) 10th -14th October – 2016, Mika Hotel, Lusaka


This is a one week intensive participatory workshop training aimed at providing an overview of results-based monitoring and evaluation methods with practical applications of tools and methods. This course will provide participants with M&E tools, techniques and resources needed for planning, organizing, and/or managing programs and projects.

Expected Outcome

  1. Improved understanding of Results Based M&E concepts, methods and tools
  2. Increased knowledge and skills of participants to monitor and evaluate programs /projects.
  3. Improved understanding of how to improve the quality of their projects while promoting learning and accountability through RB M&E


This one week training course is targeted at consultants, M&E practitioners, project/program managers, scientists, researchers and database managers. It seeks to enhance participants understanding of M&E with the view to improving implementation, decision-making, and management capacities through learning and action.

Workshop Content

  • Introduction to Results-Based Monitoring and Evaluation
  • Program Theory of Change and Impact Pathways
  • Outcome Mapping and Results-Based Management
  • Using a Results Framework Model to Describe Your Program
  • Constructing indicators and formulating M&E questions
  • Result Based Monitoring and Evaluation Systems and Plan
  • Deciding on the sampling strategy
  • Ex-ante and Ex-post Impact Evaluation
  • Baseline Assessments
  • Data Collection and Analysis
  • Communicating and Use of M&E results


The workshop will employ a range of interacting teaching and presentation methods such as lectures, group discussions presentations, and case studies hands-on exercises and case studies. Participants are encouraged to come with case studies on M&E to share and to be used as material for practice.


MIKA Hotel Kabulonga, Lusaka, Zambia.

COST: The course fee is $320 per person. Note that the course fee does not include accommodation as it is arranged upon request.


Interested participants should Visit our website on www.kenoinstitute.org OR Send an email to [email protected]

For further inquiries you can also call on: +260979905556


Bank Details: First National Bank
Account Name: Keno Institute of Training and Research
Account Number: 62635886221
Country: Zambia
Branch: Commercial
Swift code: FIRNZMLX

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