7 simple exam tips

In this article we outline 7 simple tips aimed at helping you to get the most out of your exams.

1. Keep calm (and carry on)

In order to perform at your optimal level it is important that you try and stay calm during an exam. It is completely natural to feel some anxiety before and during an exam but this anxiety should not distract you from the task ahead. If you feel overly anxious take several long, slow and deep breaths and then carry on with the exam.

2. Check the exam instructions

You should always start an exam by reading the exam instructions. This is absolutely vital. Check how many questions you need to answer, how much time you have and the marks allocated to each questions. There is no point answering too few or too many questions and missing out on vital marks.

3. Plan out the exam

Once you have read the exam instructions, work out how long you have to answer each question. You can then use this information to quickly plan the amount of time you spend on each answer.

4. Be disciplined

It can be tempting to spend all your time on the first question. Be disciplined and attempt to answer all questions required (unless the paper is being negatively marked). If you find that you are running out of time focus on scoring as many marks as possible.

5. Seek help (if required)

If you are having problems during an exam (excessive noise, insufficient paper etc.) seek help from an exam invigilator. There is no point jeopardizing your results because you did not ask for help.

6. Drink water

It is important to stay hydrated and drink water during an exam. This will help you to stay focused and alert. If permitted take a bottle of water with you and ensure that you take regular drinks throughout the exam.

7. After the exam

When the exam ends think about what you did well and try and learn from the bits that might have gone a bit better. Try not to be over critical and avoid spending too much time dwelling on the exam. If possible reward yourself and be proud that you have completed the exam.

Further Information

You can check out the other articles in our series of exam tips at:

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