How to avoid job search fatigue

Searching for a job can be a long and tiring process. With this in mind, the latest job seeking article from Go Zambia Jobs aims to provide some useful tips and advice on how you can stay fresh during your job search.

1. Rest and relax

Searching for a job can be hard work. Constantly looking for jobs, writing applications, attending interviews – this is all extremely mentally demanding. It is therefore vital that you occasionally take time out to relax and recharge before setting off again. Meet a friend, read a book, whatever – the important thing is that you take a break. Regular physical exercise is a great idea – it can reduce levels of stress and boost energy levels.

2. Reward yourself

Working all day searching and applying for jobs for no reward can severally contribute to job search fatigue. In employment you are rewarded in terms of  (a) the salary that you receive but also in terms of the (b) sense of achievement you get from working and (c) the encouragement you receive from colleagues and managers. To help you stay fresh during your job search why try to reward yourself for each call or each application you submit. This will help you to recognise your efforts and provide you with a sense of achievement.

3. Get support from family and friends

You do not have to search and suffer alone – involve friends and family in your job  search. Not only will family and friends be able to help support you emotionally, they can also help you search for jobs, review applications and prepare for interviews.

4. Meet new people

Often job applications are submitted without ever actually talking to anyone.  This lack of interaction can contribute to feelings of isolation. You can tackle this problem by making time to interact with new people during your job search. Try attending industry events or becoming active in local community and voluntary organisations. This will help to combat feelings of isolation during your job search and will help you get that buzz of energy from interacting with others.

Check out our article: Networking to find a job

5. Organise your job search

Having an organised job search can also help reduce job search fatigue and help you to stay fresh and positive when looking for employment. Try organising your job search into several blocks of time each day and spend only those hours looking for new positions, attending events, or contacting companies. Outside of these blocks focus on study and other activities or take a break altogether.

For tips on how to organise your job search read our article: How to plan a job search

Further Information

To find more careers articles visit: Careers Advice

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