How to survive rejection

It is important to remember that you are not alone in rejection – it happens to us all at some stage. It is how you respond to rejection that shapes your future.

In this article we explore how you can learn from rejection and even turn rejection into a positive experience.

1. Keep rejection in context

The current employment market in Zambia is extremely tough – especially for young people. There are thousands of very bright and very capable people all looking for work. However, with a limited number of jobs, most will suffer rejection before they secure a job.

It is important therefore to remember that if you are rejected for a job it does not mean that:

  • You are a bad person
  • You are not intelligent
  • You were not capable of doing the job

It might just mean that there were lots of applicants and the employer could only choose a limited number of people.

2. Learn from rejection

When you have been rejected for a job it is vital that you review your application and interview (if applicable) and search for ways that you can improve for next the time. Here are a few examples of how you can use rejection to spur you on to success in the future:

  • Did you have the qualifications stipulated in the job advert – could you undertake further study to gain additional qualifications?
  • Did you have the required experience – could you gain additional experience that would help next time?
  • Where you prepared for the questions raised at interview – would more preparation help you in the future?

3. Turn rejection into a positive experience

By turning rejection into a positive experience and learning from your experiences you will be in a much better position to succeed in the future. For example:-

  • the process of writing and rewriting your applications will help you to improve your application each and every time you apply for a job.
  • every job interview is an opportunity to gain experience of the interview environment, the types of questions employers ask and how you could answer.

Try to stay positive and always remember that, “The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time ” and that “It is hard to beat a person who never gives up.”

Check out these amazing articles for tips on how to gain qualifications and experience, how to plan a job search and how to improve your application and interviews.

Further Information

To find more careers articles visit: Careers Advice

Search for Jobs

To search for the latest jobs in Zambia visit:

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